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A compound of abere (cattle) plus some unknown element. This may be a suffix -ts denoting abundance, which is also allegedly present in other formations, such as adats (hair, foliage), from adar (horn).[1] However, a Latin (or Spanish) influence is more probable: compare Galician haberoso (rich, wealthy).[2]


  • Audio:(file)
  • IPA(key): (most dialects) /abeɾat͡s̺/ [a.β̞e.ɾat͡s̺]
  • IPA(key): (Biscayan) /abeɾat͡s̻/ [a.β̞e.ɾat͡s̻]


  • Hyphenation: a‧be‧rats



aberats (comparative aberatsago, superlative aberatsen, excessive aberatsegi)

  1. rich, wealthy
    Antonym: behartsu
  2. abundant
  3. costly, expensive


Declension of aberats (adjective, ending in consonant)
indefinite singular plural
absolutive aberats aberatsa aberatsak
ergative aberatsek aberatsak aberatsek
dative aberatsi aberatsari aberatsei
genitive aberatsen aberatsaren aberatsen
comitative aberatsekin aberatsarekin aberatsekin
causative aberatsengatik aberatsarengatik aberatsengatik
benefactive aberatsentzat aberatsarentzat aberatsentzat
instrumental aberatsez aberatsaz aberatsez
inessive anim aberatsengan aberatsarengan aberatsengan
inan aberatsetan aberatsean aberatsetan
locative anim
inan aberatsetako aberatseko aberatsetako
allative anim aberatsengana aberatsarengana aberatsengana
inan aberatsetara aberatsera aberatsetara
terminative anim aberatsenganaino aberatsarenganaino aberatsenganaino
inan aberatsetaraino aberatseraino aberatsetaraino
directive anim aberatsenganantz aberatsarenganantz aberatsenganantz
inan aberatsetarantz aberatserantz aberatsetarantz
destinative anim aberatsenganako aberatsarenganako aberatsenganako
inan aberatsetarako aberatserako aberatsetarako
ablative anim aberatsengandik aberatsarengandik aberatsengandik
inan aberatsetatik aberatsetik aberatsetatik
partitive aberatsik
prolative aberastzat

Derived terms




aberats anim

  1. rich, wealthy person




  1. ^ adats”, in Orotariko Euskal Hiztegia [General Basque Dictionary], Euskaltzaindia, 1987–2005
  2. ^ aberats”, in Orotariko Euskal Hiztegia [General Basque Dictionary], Euskaltzaindia, 1987–2005

Further reading

  • aberats”, in Euskaltzaindiaren Hiztegia [Dictionary of the Basque Academy] (in Basque), Euskaltzaindia [Royal Academy of the Basque Language]
  • aberats” in Etymological Dictionary of Basque by R. L. Trask, sussex.ac.uk