a reculons
See also: à reculons
[edit]Alternative forms
[edit]- Alternative form of a recules (“backwards”)
- 1909, Francesc Grans i Elias, Siluetes de escriptors catalans del sigle XIX:
- Com si hagués sentit una blasfemia, les seves faccions van contraure-s, va fer-se tot ulls, agafà amb una mà'l barret i amb l'altra'l bastó, i, mirant el jove poeta amb ulls espantats, recelosos, plens d'indignada admiració, i caminant de reculons, va sortir de la sala.
- As if he'd heard an insult, his features contracted, he became all eyes, grabbed his hat with one hand and his cane with the other and--watching the young poet with frightened, mistrustful eyes, full of outraged admiration, and walking backwards--he left the hall.