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a reculons

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See also: à reculons



Alternative forms






a reculons

  1. Alternative form of a recules (backwards)
    • 1909, Francesc Grans i Elias, Siluetes de escriptors catalans del sigle XIX:
      Com si hagués sentit una blasfemia, les seves faccions van contraure-s, va fer-se tot ulls, agafà amb una mà'l barret i amb l'altra'l bastó, i, mirant el jove poeta amb ulls espantats, recelosos, plens d'indignada admiració, i caminant de reculons, va sortir de la sala.
      As if he'd heard an insult, his features contracted, he became all eyes, grabbed his hat with one hand and his cane with the other and--watching the young poet with frightened, mistrustful eyes, full of outraged admiration, and walking backwards--he left the hall.