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See also: Zaporijia


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Borrowed from Ukrainian Запоріжжя (Zaporižžja).



  • Hyphenation: Za‧po‧rí‧ji‧a

Proper noun


Zaporíjia f

  1. Zaporozhye, Zaporizhia (an oblast of Ukraine)
  2. Zaporizhia (a city, the administrative center of Zaporizhia Oblast, in south-central Ukraine)
    • 2022, Marta Ferreira Leite, “Central nuclear de Zaporíjia foi campo de batalha — e os russos já controlam as instalações. Qual o pior cenário possível e como evitá-lo? [Zaporizhia nuclear power plant was a battlefield - and the Russians already control the facility. What is the worst-case scenario and how can it be avoided?]”, in Observador[1]:
      Os medidores de radioatividade instalados em Zaporíjia, []
      The radioactivity meters installed in Zaporizhia, []