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Wiktionary:Word of the day/September 3

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
information From 2020, Word of the Day pages are in the format "Wiktionary:Word of the day/[year]/[month] [day]". This page, without a year in the title, is now used as a fallback if no Word of the Day has been set for this year, and generally should not need to be edited. However, if you wish to propose an amendment, please leave a message at Wiktionary:Beer parlour.
Word of the day
for September 3
grawlix n (comics)
  1. A series of images or symbols used in speech bubbles in comic strips to indicate one or more swear words.
    1. An image resembling an illegible scribble used for this purpose.
    2. A string of typographical symbols (such as "@#$%&!") used for this purpose.
    3. A series of violence-related images (such as bombs, daggers, and skulls) used for this purpose.

The American comic strip writer Mort Walker, who coined the word, was born on this day in 1923.

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