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Wiktionary:Word of the day/Archive/2012/March

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Word of the day
for March 1
fons honorum n
  1. A person who, by virtue of sovereignty, holds the exclusive right to create and confer legitimate titles of nobility and orders of chivalry
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Word of the day
for March 2
leapling n
  1. Someone born on a 29th of February
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Word of the day
for March 3
beey adj
  1. (informal, rare) Reminiscent of or containing bees
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Word of the day
for March 4
philtrum n
  1. The shallow groove running down the center of the outer surface of the upper lip
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Word of the day
for March 5
Tinker to Evers to Chance n
  1. (US, idiomatic) A task accomplished quickly by well-executed teamwork; those involved in the teamwork
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Word of the day
for March 6
begorra int
  1. (Ireland) A mild minced oath; a euphemism for "by God"
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Word of the day
for March 7
phillumenist n
  1. A person who collects match-related items, like matchbox labels, matchboxes, matchbooks, or matchbook covers
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Word of the day
for March 8
maillot n
  1. A one-piece swimsuit (for women)
  2. A leotard or tights of stretchable, jersey fabric, generally worn by dancers and gymnasts
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Word of the day
for March 9
win-win adj
  1. Of a situation or outcome that benefits two parties, or that has two distinct benefits
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Word of the day
for March 10
normothermic adj
  1. (medicine) Having a normal body temperature
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Word of the day
for March 11
quibble v
  1. (intransitive) To complain or argue in a trivial or petty manner
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Word of the day
for March 12
zombie out v
  1. (informal) Become like a zombie in being listless, vacant, and unresponsive
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Word of the day
for March 13
hamiform adj
  1. Curved at the extremity, shaped like a hook
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Word of the day
for March 14
annis Domini adv
  1. (of multiple years or of a date range) Taking place a specifed number of years following the assumed birth of Jesus Christ
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Word of the day
for March 15
enshrine v
  1. (transitive) To enclose (a sacred relic etc.) in a shrine or chest.
  2. (transitive) To preserve or cherish (something) as though in a shrine; to preserve or contain, especially with some reverence
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Word of the day
for March 16
damnify v
  1. (law) To cause injuries or loss to
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Word of the day
for March 18
tribology n
  1. (physics, engineering) The science and technology of friction, lubrication, and wear
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Word of the day
for March 19
vaguery n
  1. (uncountable) Vagueness, the condition of being vague.
  2. (countable) A vagueness, a thing which is vague, an example of vagueness.
  3. (countable, in the plural) An eggcorn for vagaries
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Word of the day
for March 21
itchy trigger finger n
  1. (idiomatic) A tendency to act in haste or without consideration
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Word of the day
for March 22
perfusion n
  1. (medicine) The introduction of a drug or nutrients through the bloodstream in order to reach an internal organ or tissues
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Word of the day
for March 23
escapade n
  1. A daring or adventurous act; an undertaking which goes against convention
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Word of the day
for March 24
siesta n
  1. An afternoon nap, especially the one taken after lunch in some cultures
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Word of the day
for March 25
in a pig's eye prep. phrase
  1. (idiomatic) Very unlikely; probably never
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Word of the day
for March 26
immolate v
  1. To kill as a sacrifice.
  2. To destroy, especially by fire
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Word of the day
for March 27
fan death n
  1. The urban legend originating in South Korea that if an electric fan is left running overnight in a closed room it can cause the death of those inside
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Word of the day
for March 28
lacrimae rerum n plural
  1. The “tears of things”; the inherent tragedy of existence
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Word of the day
for March 29
otorhinolaryngology n
  1. (medicine) The study of diseases of the ear, nose and throat
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Word of the day
for March 30
eat crow v
  1. (chiefly US, idiomatic) To recognize that one has been shown to be mistaken or outdone, especially by admitting that one has made a humiliating error
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Word of the day
for March 31
wry adj
  1. Turned away, contorted (of the face or body).
  2. Dryly humorous; sardonic or ironic.
  3. Twisted, bent, crooked
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