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Wiktionary:Word of the day/Archive/2008/October

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{{wotd | theWord | p.o.s. | Definition | month | day }}

{{wotd | theWord | p.o.s. | Definition | month | day | audio=En-uk-{{subst:PAGENAME}}.ogg }}

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Word of the day
for October 1
rarity n
  1. A rare object.
  2. A measure of the scarcity of an object
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Word of the day
for October 2
awry adj
  1. Turned or twisted toward one side; crooked, distorted, out of place.
  2. Wrong or distorted; perverse, amiss
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Word of the day
for October 3
dally v
  1. To waste time in voluptuous pleasures, or in idleness; to trifle.
  2. To interchange caresses, especially of a sexual nature.
  3. To delay unnecessarily; to while away
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Word of the day
for October 4
moronic adj
  1. (medicine) Having a mental age of between seven and twelve years.
  2. (slang) Behaving in the manner of a moron; idiotic, stupid
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Word of the day
for October 5
bishopric n
  1. A diocese or region of a church which a bishop governs
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Word of the day
for October 6
imprint v
  1. To leave a print, impression, image, etc
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Word of the day
for October 7
plebeian adj
  1. Of or pertaining to the Roman plebs, or common people.
  2. Of or pertaining to the common people; vulgar; common
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Word of the day
for October 8
fetish n
  1. Something nonsexual which arouses sexual desire.
  2. Something which is believed to possess, contain, or cause spiritual or magical powers.
  3. An irrational, or abnormal, fixation or preoccupation
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Word of the day
for October 9
sequester v
  1. To separate from all external influence.
  2. To separate in order to store
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Word of the day
for October 10
accrue v
  1. To augment; to be added as increase, profit, or damage.
  2. (accounting) To be incurred as a result of the passage of time
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Word of the day
for October 11
logomachy n
  1. Dispute over the meaning of words
  2. A conflict waged only as a battle of words
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Word of the day
for October 12
belligerent adj
  1. Of or pertaining to war.
  2. Engaged in war, warring.
  3. Aggressively hostile, eager to fight
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Word of the day
for October 13
foist v
  1. To introduce or insert surreptitiously or without warrant.
  2. To force another to accept, especially by stealth or deceit
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Word of the day
for October 14
treacle n
  1. A syrupy byproduct of sugar refining; molasses or golden syrup.
  2. Cloying sentimental speech
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Word of the day
for October 15
highfalutin adj
  1. (US, informal) Self-important, pompous; arrogant or egotistical; tending to show off or hold oneself in unduly high regard
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Word of the day
for October 16
suffice v
  1. To be enough or sufficient; to meet the need (of anything); to be equal to the end proposed
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Word of the day
for October 17
tulgey adj
  1. Thick, dense, dark
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Word of the day
for October 18
creek n
  1. (India, UK) A small inlet or bay, narrower and extending further into the land than a cove; a recess in the shore of the sea, or of a river.
  2. (Australia, Canada, US) A stream of water smaller than a river and larger than a brook
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Word of the day
for October 19
muster v
  1. To collect and display; to assemble.
  2. To summon together; to enroll in service; to get together
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Word of the day
for October 20
wormily adv
  1. In a manner reminding of a worm, with much twisting and turning
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Word of the day
for October 21
consequently adv
  1. As a result or consequence of something
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Word of the day
for October 22
extrapolate v
  1. To infer by extending known information.
  2. (mathematics) To estimate a value outside a known range by using values within that range
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Word of the day
for October 23
kwassa kwassa n
  1. A dance rhythm from the Congo (DRC), where the hips move back and forth while the hands move to follow the hips
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Word of the day
for October 24
nuncupative adj
  1. Oral; not written.
  2. (obsolete) Publicly or solemnly declaratory.
  3. (obsolete) Nominal; existing only in name
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Word of the day
for October 25
zoinks interj
  1. Expressing surprise, fear, etc
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Word of the day
for October 26
tomnoddy n
  1. The puffin.
  2. A fool or dunce
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Word of the day
for October 27
double entendre n
  1. A phrase that has two meanings, one innocent and literal, the other risque or bawdy; an innuendo
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Word of the day
for October 28
gregarious adj
  1. Describing one who enjoys being in crowds and socializing.
  2. (zoology) Of animals that travel in herds or packs
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Word of the day
for October 29
withhold v
  1. To keep (a physical object that one has obtained) to oneself rather than giving back to its owner.
  2. To keep (information, etc.) to oneself rather than revealing.
  3. To retain or keep back; not to grant
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Word of the day
for October 30
saucy adj
  1. Impertinent or disrespectful, often in a way that is regarded as entertaining or amusing; smart.
  2. Impudently bold; cheeky; piquant.
  3. Mildly erotic
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Word of the day
for October 31
Ragnarok n
  1. (Norse mythology) The final battle between gods and giants, involving all creation which denotes the end of the world as it is known and almost all life
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