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Wiktionary:Word of the day/Archive/2007/April

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{{wotd | theWord | p.o.s. | Definition | month | day }}

{{wotd | theWord | p.o.s. | Definition | month | day | audio=En-uk-{{subst:PAGENAME}}.ogg }}

When the words for a given month have all been replaced (or whatever) then subst: the sub-templates in on this page. That will preserve this month's archive, leaving the entries in the "Recycled" monthly pages to be (optionally) reused next year.


Word of the day
for April 1
mumpsimus n
  1. A person who obstinately adheres to old ways despite clear evidence of being wrong.
  2. An obvious error that is obstinately repeated despite correction
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Word of the day
for April 2
stultify v
  1. To cause to appear foolish or incompetent.
  2. To deprive of strength or efficacy; make useless or worthless
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Word of the day
for April 3
lexeme n
  1. (linguistics) The abstract unit of vocabulary, roughly corresponding to the set of inflected forms from the same lemma
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Word of the day
for April 4
sectarian adj
  1. Of or relating to a sect.
  2. Dogmatic or partisan.
  3. Narrow-minded or bigoted
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Word of the day
for April 5
ostensibly adv
  1. Seemingly, apparently, reputedly
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Word of the day
for April 6
jettison v
  1. To eject from a watercraft or aircaft in order to lighten the load.
  2. To discard as useless or defective
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Word of the day
for April 7
hypochondriac adj
  1. Pertaining to or affected by a psychological disorder characterized by a persistent feeling that one is ill
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Word of the day
for April 8
pot calling the kettle black idiom
  1. A situation in which somebody comments on or accuses someone else of a fault which the accuser shares
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Word of the day
for April 9
capitulate v
  1. To end all resistance; to give up or surrender
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Word of the day
for April 10
torus n
  1. (geometry) A three-dimensional shape consisting of a ring with a circular cross-section.
  2. (architecture) A molding which projects at the base of a column and above the plinth
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Word of the day
for April 11
rugose adj
  1. Wrinkled; covered with creases or ridges
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Word of the day
for April 12
coquetry n
  1. Attempts to attract admiration or notice, for the mere gratification of vanity; flirting
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Word of the day
for April 13
flabellum n
  1. A large fan used for religious ceremonies.
  2. (anatomy) Any fan-shaped structure
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Word of the day
for April 14
fey adj
  1. Magical or fairylike.
  2. Doomed to die
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Word of the day
for April 15
germane adj
  1. Relevant to the topic being discussed or considered
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Word of the day
for April 16
subtlety n
  1. The quality or fact of being subtle or barely noticed.
  2. An instance of being subtle, a subtle thing, especially a subtle argument or distinction.
  3. An ornate medieval illusion dish, made from one thing but crafted to look like another
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Word of the day
for April 17
plutocracy n
  1. Government by the wealthy.
  2. A controlling class of the wealthy
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Word of the day
for April 18
pootle v
  1. To wander or ramble, such as by walking or riding
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Word of the day
for April 19
troglodyte n
  1. A member of a supposed prehistoric race that lived in caves or holes.
  2. (by extension) Anything that lives underground.
  3. (idiomatic) A reclusive, reactionary or out-of-date person, especially if brutish
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Word of the day
for April 20
bona fide adj
  1. Done in good faith.
  2. Genuine; not counterfeit
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Word of the day
for April 21
kink v
  1. To form a tight curl or bend in a length of thin material
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Word of the day
for April 22
contemporaneously adv
  1. In the same period of time; during the same historical era
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Word of the day
for April 23
djinn n
  1. (Islam) An invisible spirit that influences mankind by appearing in human or animal form.
  2. A supernatural being with extraordinary powers that usually takes a human form and serves its summoner; a genie
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Word of the day
for April 24
sardonic adj
  1. Scornfully mocking or cynical; disdainful
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Word of the day
for April 25
onychophagist n
  1. A person who bites his or her own fingernails
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Word of the day
for April 26
puckish adj
  1. Mischievous; impish; excessively playful
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Word of the day
for April 27
crepuscular adj
  1. Of or related to twilight.
  2. (zoology) Active at or around the time of sunset or sunrise
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Word of the day
for April 28
schism n
  1. A split or separation within a group or organization, typically caused by discord.
  2. A formal division or split within a religious body
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Word of the day
for April 29
mardy adj
  1. (UK) Sulky or whining; non-cooperative
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Word of the day
for April 30
differentiate v
  1. To show or illustrate the distinction between two things.
  2. To perceive the difference between things; to discriminate.
  3. (biology) To produce distinct organs or parts by a process of development.
  4. (mathematics) To calculate the derivative of a function
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