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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2024/September 17

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Word of the day
for September 17
spavin n
  1. (farriery, veterinary medicine)
    1. (countable) A bony swelling which develops in a horse's leg where the shank and splint bone meet, caused by inflammation of the cartilage connecting those bones; also, a similar swelling caused by inflammation of the hock bones.
    2. (uncountable) A disease of horses caused by this bony swelling (sense 1.1).
  2. (by extension, uncountable) A similar disease causing a person's leg to be lame.

spavin v (transitive, rare)

  1. (farriery, veterinary medicine) To cause (a horse or its leg) to have spavin (noun sense 1.2).
  2. (figurative) To impair or injure (someone or something). [...]
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