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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2024/November 1

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Word of the day
for November 1
subpoena n
  1. (law) In full writ of subpoena.
    1. A writ (written order) requiring someone to appear in court, or at a deposition or some other legal proceeding, as a witness to give testimony (a subpoena ad testificandum) or to produce evidence (subpoena duces tecum), in default of which the person may be punished.
    2. (historical) A writ requiring a defendant to appear in court to answer a plaintiff's claim (a subpoena ad respondendum); in England and Wales, and Ireland, this writ was formerly issued by the Court of Chancery at the plaintiff's request to commence a suit, but the procedure was abolished in 1852.
  2. (figurative) A thing which can compel or demand something, or summon someone.

subpoena v (transitive)

  1. (law)
    1. To summon (someone) with a subpoena (noun sense 1.1) to appear in court, or at a deposition or some other legal proceeding, as a witness to give testimony or to produce evidence; to serve a subpoena on (someone).
    2. To require (a document or other evidence) to be produced before a court, or at a deposition or some other legal proceeding.
  2. (figurative) To compel or summon (someone or something); to demand.

Today, the first Friday of November in 2024, is Love Your Lawyer Day, which was established in 2001 by the American Lawyers Public Image Association.

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