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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2024/March 31

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Word of the day
for March 31
transgender adj
  1. (loosely) Of a person: having a gender (identity) which is different from one's assigned sex; that is, the identity of a trans man, trans woman, or someone non-binary, for example, agender, bigender, or third-gender.
    1. (strictly) Of a person: having a gender (identity) which is opposite from the sex one was assigned at birth: being assigned male but having a female gender, or vice versa (that is, not including a non-binary identity).
  2. (loosely) Of a person: transgressing or not identifying with culturally conventional gender roles and categories of male or female.
  3. Of or pertaining to transgender people (sense 1), or their experiences or identity.
  4. Of a space: intended primarily for transgender people.
  5. Of a space: available for use by transgender people, rather than only non-transgender people.
  6. Synonym of crossgender (across multiple genders) [...]

Today is the International Transgender Day of Visibility, which was created by the American transgender activist Rachel Crandall 15 years ago in 2009 and aims to celebrate transgender people and their contributions to society, and to raise awareness of discrimination faced by them worldwide.

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