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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2024/June 24

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Word of the day
for June 24
cochineal n
  1. (countable) A scale insect of the species Dactylopius coccus, native to the tropical and subtropical Americas, which lives on prickly pear cacti (genus Opuntia).
  2. (uncountable) A vivid red dye made from the dried bodies of cochineal insects.
  3. (uncountable) The vivid red colour of this dye.

cochineal adj

  1. Possessing a vivid red colour, as or as if produced from dyeing with cochineal dye (noun sense 2).

Today is the start of Insect Week in the United Kingdom, which is organized annually by the Royal Entomological Society to highlight the importance of insects.

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