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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2022/November 29

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Word of the day
for November 29
environ v (transitive)
  1. To encircle or surround (someone or something).
    1. (often military) To encircle or surround (someone or something) so as to attack from all sides; to beset.
    2. (heraldry, chiefly passive voice, obsolete) To encircle or surround (a heraldic element such as a charge or escutcheon (shield)).
  2. To cover, enclose, or envelop (someone or something).
  3. Followed by from: to hide or shield (someone or something).
  4. (chiefly passive voice) Of a person: to be positioned or stationed around (someone or something) to attend to or protect them.
  5. (figuratively) Of a situation or state of affairs, especially danger or trouble: to happen to and affect (someone or something).
  6. (obsolete)
    1. To amount to or encompass (a space).
    2. To travel completely around (a place or thing); to circumnavigate.

environ n

  1. (archaic except in the plural, formal, also figuratively) A surrounding area or place (especially of an urban settlement); an environment. [...]
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