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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2022/May 4

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Word of the day
for May 4
darkside n
  1. (countable) The side of something that is in darkness or unlit, or has less illumination.
  2. (countable, figuratively) The side of something that is metaphorically dark.
    1. The side that is evil.
    2. The side that is distressing or undesirable.
  3. (countable, astronomy)
    1. Synonym of farside (the side of a moon that faces away from the planet that it orbits)
    2. Synonym of nightside (the side of a planet that faces away from the sun around which it orbits)
  4. (uncountable, music) A style of electronic music, being a form of hardcore characterized by discordant sounds; darkcore.

May the Fourth – oops, the Force – be with you! Today is observed as Star Wars Day by fans of the franchise.

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