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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2022/March 14

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Word of the day
for March 14
churl n
  1. (feudalism, obsolete except historical)
    1. A free peasant (as opposed to a serf) of the lowest rank, below an earl and a thane; a freeman; also (more generally), a person without royal or noble status; a commoner.
    2. A bondman or serf.
  2. (by extension)
    1. (derogatory) A rough, surly, ill-bred person; a boor.
    2. (archaic) A countryman, a peasant, a rustic.
    3. (archaic) A person who is stingy, especially with money; a selfish miser, a niggard.
    4. (Theodism) A freedman, ranked below a thane but above a thrall.

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