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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2022/August 26

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Word of the day
for August 26
stockpile n (originally US, also figuratively)
  1. A supply (especially a large one) of something kept for future use, specifically in case the cost of the item increases or if there a shortage.
    1. (specifically, military, weaponry) A supply of nuclear weapons kept by a country.
  2. (mining) A pile of coal or ore heaped up on the ground after it has been mined.

stockpile v (originally US, also figuratively)

  1. (transitive)
    1. To accumulate or build up a supply of (something).
      1. (specifically, military, weaponry) To build up a stock of (nuclear weapons).
    2. (mining) To heap up piles of (coal or ore) on the ground after it has been mined.
  2. (intransitive) To build up a supply; to accumulate.
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