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Wiktionary:Word of the day/2021/July 27

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Word of the day
for July 27
jangle v
  1. (transitive)
    1. To cause (something) to make a rattling metallic sound.
    2. To express or say (something) in an argumentative or harsh manner.
    3. (figuratively) To irritate or jar (something).
  2. (intransitive)
    1. To make a rattling metallic sound.
    2. (archaic) To speak in an angry or harsh manner.
    3. (archaic) To quarrel verbally; to wrangle.
    4. (obsolete) Of a person: to speak loudly or too much; to chatter, to prate; of a bird: to make a noisy chattering sound.

jangle n

  1. A rattling metallic sound; a clang.
  2. (figuratively)
    1. The sound of people talking noisily.
    2. (archaic) Arguing, contention, squabbling.
  3. (music, attributively) A sound typified by undistorted, treble-heavy electric guitars, characteristic of 1960s pop music.
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