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Wiktionary:User scripts/Header

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User scripts
User scripts are powerful customizations, authored by the community, that allow registered Wiktionarians to change Wiktionary's interface beyond the options available in preferences. This page provides a list of available scripts and instructions on installing them. User scripts are written in JavaScript.
  • Click here to skip directly to the script list.
  • Many of the most popular scripts become gadgets, and are subsequently removed from this page. You can enable them via Preferences - Gadgets. It is recommended that you check there first for any tool you might be looking for, since gadgets have been widely tested and proven useful and reliable.
  • Most scripts are designed and tested primarily with the Vector skin, Wiktionary's current default.

How to install user scripts: (Simple method for scripts located on English Wiktionary)
  1. First, make sure you are registered and logged in. Only logged-in users can install scripts.
  2. Click the superscript link next to the name of the script you want to install and follow the instructions in the footnote.
  3. If there is no superscript link next to the name of the script, then follow the link to the script's documentation and look for installation instructions there.
  4. After you copy the necessary code to your common.js file as instructed in the footnote/documentation, save the page and bypass your cache to make sure the changes take effect.

Automatic installer: Script Installer makes script installations fully automatic. The installer itself must first be installed manually. Afterwards, scripts can be installed with a single click.

The template Template:navbox does not use the parameter(s):
groupstyle=background-color: var(--wikt-palette-dullcyan, #DFEFFF);
liststyle=background-color: var(--wikt-palette-lavender, #E8F3FF); text-align:left; font-size:1.18em; padding:10px;
name=Full manual instructions
style=border: 2px ridge var(--wikt-palette-lightblue,#CAE1FF);
titlestyle=background-color: var(--wikt-palette-dulllightblue, #BADFEB);
Please see Module:checkparams for help with this warning.
The template Template:navbox does not use the parameter(s):
groupstyle=background-color: var(--wikt-palette-dullcyan, #DFEFFF);
liststyle=background-color: var(--wikt-palette-lavender, #E8F3FF); text-align:left; font-size:1.18em; padding:5px 20px;
name=How to add new scripts to this list
style=border: 2px ridge var(--wikt-palette-lightblue,#CAE1FF);
titlestyle=background-color: var(--wikt-palette-dulllightblue, #BADFEB);
Please see Module:checkparams for help with this warning.

This is a portal about user scripts. The main purpose of this page is to list all of the useful userscripts that exist. Feel free to add a new userscript.

If you want to request a userscript or discuss a development-related stuff or just have an idea refer to here.