Wiktionary:Entries needing topical attention
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This page is no longer active. It is being kept for historical interest. |
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Sometimes updated list of Category:Entries needing topical attention, last updated 06:32, 20 September 2023 (last content edit June 2014).
To add an entry to this list, add the code
parameter to any of these templates:
, {{look}}
, {{rfc}}
, {{rfc-sense}}
, {{rfv-sense}}
, {{rfdef}}
, {{rfex}}
, {{rfquote-sense}}
, {{rfexp}}
, {{rfref}}
, {{tea room}}
page | topic | language code |
Adele | Africa | en |
album | antiquities | en |
antirational | mathematics | en |
autogas | petroleum | |
ball-playing | sport | en |
boof | kayaking | |
Brause | food and drink | de |
bur block | dentistry | |
card | television | en |
catharping | nautical | en |
clear-out | basketball | en |
climax community | biology | en |
dictu | grammar | la |
dislocation | grammar | en |
displacement | grammar | en |
dual | mathematics | en |
dual | mathematics | en |
endogenous retrovirus | biology | |
ex contractu | law | en |
ex delicto | law | en |
from time to time | law | en |
gennaker | nautical | en |
grand rounds | military | en |
hellman | surfing | en |
Indian wrestle | sports | en |
knob | genetics | en |
minifilm | radiography | en |
ministry | Christianity | en |
mutat | Islam | en |
noncuple | geometry | en |
noncuple | music | en |
octavating | music | en |
octavation | music | en |
octavation | astrology | en |
opening | cricket | en |
overorder | mathematics | en |
pack in | football, American | en |
pad down | electronics | en |
pedal stool | music | en |
placode | biology | en |
post | sports | en |
predicatid | grammar | en |
push-up | clothing | en |
quintate | chemistry | en |
reset | Scottish English | en |
rumpty-tumpty | music | en |
SecDef | military | en |
sectionary | French history | en |
sectionary | French history | en |
semisimple | algebra | en |
Sendung | religion | de |
septimate | music | en |
shelling | topology | en |
side puck | sports: hurling | en |
sideline cut | sports: hurling | en |
snap shot | hockey, ice | en |
spona | dance | cs |
spona | archaeology | cs |
stare | mathematics | it |
statal | linguistics | en |
Steiner point | mathematics | en |
Still's murmur | medicine | |
supercube | mathematics | en |
threonucleic | biochemistry | en |
tube | Australian English | en |
unhatted | mathematics | en |
voile | clothing | en |
vrbaite | mineralogy | en |
¯ | diacritic name | lv |
¸ | diacritic name | sq |
¸ | diacritic name | tr |
éclater | philosophy | fr |
ʀ | audio | mul |
ε | science | mul |
׀ | cantillation | he |
גז | petroleum | he |
לאפה | spelling | ar |
עבדו | grammar | he |
פ׳ | Judaism | he |