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Wiktionary:Requested entries (English)/Wordlist/Proper names/O

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  1. Oacoma
  2. Oak
  3. Oakbluffs
  4. Oakboro
  5. Oakboy
  6. Oakdale
  7. Oakesdale
  8. Oakesia
  9. Oakfield
  10. Oakford
  11. Oakhall
  12. Oakham
  13. Oakhurst
  14. Oakie
  15. Oaklawn
  16. Oakleil
  17. Oaklyn
  18. Oakman
  19. Oakmont
  20. Oakton
  21. Oakvale
  22. Oakview
  23. Oakville
  24. Oannes
  25. Oark
  26. Oatis
  27. Oatman
  28. Oba
  29. Obafemi
  30. Obala
  31. Oballa
  32. Oban
  33. Obara
  34. Obasanjo
  35. Obau
  36. Obaza
  37. Obbard
  38. Obbenite
  39. Obe
  40. Obeded
  41. Obediah
  42. Obeid
  43. Obel
  44. Obelia
  45. Obellia
  46. Obeng
  47. Oberg
  48. Oberheim
  49. Oberlin
  50. Obernburg
  51. Oberosterreich
  52. Oberstone
  53. Obert
  54. Obidiah
  55. Obidicut
  56. Obion
  57. Obla
  58. Obola
  59. Obolaria
  60. Obongo
  61. Obote
  62. O'Boyle
  63. Obrazil
  64. Obrecht
  65. Obrenovich
  66. Obrien
  67. OBrit
  68. Observantist
  69. Obuda
  70. OBulg
  71. Oby
  72. Oca
  73. Ocala
  74. O'Callaghan
  75. Ocana
  76. O'Carroll
  77. Ocate
  78. Occamism
  79. Occamist
  80. Occamite
  81. Occleve
  82. Occoquan
  83. Oceana
  84. Oceanport
  85. Oceanview
  86. Oceanville
  87. Oceola
  88. Ochelata
  89. Ocheyedan
  90. Ochimus
  91. Ochna
  92. Ochnaceae
  93. Ochopee
  94. Ochozath
  95. Ochozias
  96. Ochozoma
  97. Ochrana
  98. Ochroma
  99. Ocie
  100. Ocilla
  101. Ockenheim
  102. Ockhamism
  103. Ocko
  104. Ocneria
  105. Ocnus
  106. Ocoee
  107. Oconee
  108. O'Connell
  109. O'Conner
  110. Oconnor
  111. Oconomowoc
  112. Oconto
  113. Ocotea
  114. Ocotillo
  115. Ocracoke
  116. Ocreatae
  117. Octacnemus
  118. Octactiniae
  119. Octandria
  120. Octateuch
  121. Octave
  122. Octavie
  123. Octavla
  124. Octavus
  125. Octobrist
  126. Octocoralla
  127. Octocorallia
  128. Octodontinae
  129. Octogynia
  130. Octopussy
  131. Oculina
  132. Oculinidae
  133. Ocydromus
  134. Ocypete
  135. Ocypoda
  136. Ocyroe
  137. Ocyroidae
  138. Ocyrrhoae
  139. Ocyrrhoe
  140. Odab
  141. Odacidae
  142. Odanah
  143. Odawa
  144. Odax
  145. Oddsbud
  146. Odebolt
  147. Odeen
  148. Odel
  149. Odele
  150. Odelet
  151. Odelia
  152. Odelinda
  153. O'Dell
  154. Odella
  155. Odelle
  156. Odelsthing
  157. Oden
  158. Odenton
  159. Odenville
  160. Odericus
  161. Odetta
  162. Odey
  163. Odilia
  164. Odille
  165. Odilo
  166. Odilon
  167. Odine
  168. Odinian
  169. Odinism
  170. Odinitic
  171. Odis
  172. Odlo
  173. Odo
  174. Odobenus
  175. Odom
  176. Odon
  177. O'Doneven
  178. Odonnell
  179. O'Donnell
  180. O'Donoghue
  181. O'Donovan
  182. Odontaspidae
  183. Odontaspididae
  184. Odontaspis
  185. Odontocete
  186. Odontoglossae
  187. Odontoglossum
  188. Odontognathae
  189. Odontolcae
  190. Odontophorinae
  191. Odontopteris
  192. Odontopteryx
  193. Odontormae
  194. Odontornithes
  195. Odontosyllis
  196. Odontotormae
  197. Odoric
  198. Odostemon
  199. Odovacar
  200. Odrick
  201. O'Driscoll
  202. Odsbodkins
  203. Odum
  204. Odus
  205. O'Dwyer
  206. Ody
  207. Odynerus
  208. Odz
  209. Odzookers
  210. Odzooks
  211. Oeagrus
  212. Oeax
  213. Oebalus
  214. Oecanthus
  215. Oech
  216. Oedemeridae
  217. Oedicnemus
  218. Oedipean
  219. Oedogoniaceae
  220. Oedogoniales
  221. Oeflein
  222. Oehlenschlger
  223. Oehsen
  224. Oelrichs
  225. Oelwein
  226. Oeneus
  227. Oeno
  228. Oenocarpus
  229. Oenomaus
  230. Oenopides
  231. Oenopion
  232. Oenotheraceae
  233. Oenotrian
  234. Oeonus
  235. Oerlikon
  236. Oersted
  237. Oesel
  238. Oesophagostomum
  239. Oestrelata
  240. Ofallon
  241. O'Fallon
  242. O'Faolain
  243. O'Faolcin
  244. Ofella
  245. Offa
  246. Offen
  247. Offerle
  248. Offerman
  249. OfficeMax
  250. Official
  251. Offutt
  252. O'Fiaich
  253. Ofilia
  254. O'Flaherty
  255. OFlem
  256. Ofo
  257. Ofori
  258. OFr
  259. Ogaden
  260. Ogallah
  261. Ogallala
  262. Ogata
  263. Ogawa
  264. Ogboni
  265. Ogburn
  266. Ogcocephalidae
  267. Ogcocephalus
  268. Ogdan
  269. Ogdensburg
  270. Ogdon
  271. Ogilvie
  272. Ogilvy
  273. Oglesby
  274. Ogma
  275. Ogor
  276. O'Gowan
  277. O'Grady
  278. Ogren
  279. Ogunquit
  280. Ogygia
  281. Ogygus
  282. Ohara
  283. O'Hara
  284. Ohare
  285. O'Hare
  286. Ohatchee
  287. Ohaus
  288. Ohiopyle
  289. Ohiowa
  290. Ohl
  291. Ohley
  292. Ohlman
  293. OHSA
  294. OIcel
  295. Oileus
  296. Oilla
  297. Oilmont
  298. Oilton
  299. Oiltrough
  300. Oilville
  301. Oina
  302. Oira
  303. Oizys
  304. Ojai
  305. Okabena
  306. Okahumpka
  307. Okajima
  308. Okapia
  309. Okarche
  310. Okaton
  311. Okauchee
  312. Okavango
  313. Okawville
  314. Okazaki
  315. Okean
  316. Okeana
  317. Okechuku
  318. Okeene
  319. Okeghem
  320. O'Kelley
  321. O'Kelly
  322. Okemah
  323. Okemos
  324. Oken
  325. Oketo
  326. Okinagan
  327. Oklafalaya
  328. Oklahannali
  329. Oklaunion
  330. Oklawaha
  331. Oklee
  332. Okmulgee
  333. Okoboji
  334. Okolona
  335. Okovanggo
  336. Okovango
  337. Okreek
  338. Okta
  339. Oktas
  340. Okuari
  341. Okubo
  342. Okun
  343. Okuninushi
  344. Okwu
  345. Olacaceae
  346. Olag
  347. Olajuwon
  348. Olalla
  349. Olamon
  350. Olancha
  351. Oland
  352. Olanta
  353. Olar
  354. Olatha
  355. Olathe
  356. Olaton
  357. Olax
  358. Olbers
  359. Olcha
  360. Olchi
  361. Older
  362. Oldfield
  363. Oldfieldia
  364. Oldhamia
  365. Olduvai
  366. Oleacina
  367. Oleacinidae
  368. Olean
  369. Olearia
  370. Olema
  371. Olen
  372. Olenek
  373. Olenellus
  374. Olenidae
  375. Olenka
  376. Olenolin
  377. Olenta
  378. Olenus
  379. Oler
  380. Oleraceae
  381. Oleron
  382. Oleta
  383. Oletha
  384. Olethea
  385. Olethreutes
  386. Olethreutidae
  387. Oletta
  388. Oley
  389. Olfe
  390. Olia
  391. Oliana
  392. Oligomyodae
  393. Oligonephria
  394. Olimbos
  395. Olinde
  396. Olinia
  397. Oliniaceae
  398. Oliva
  399. Olivann
  400. Olivean
  401. Oliveburg
  402. Olivehurst
  403. Olivella
  404. Oliverea
  405. Olivero
  406. Olivetan
  407. Olivette
  408. Olividae
  409. Oliy
  410. Olla
  411. Ollayos
  412. Ollen
  413. Olm
  414. Olmito
  415. Olmitz
  416. Olmstead
  417. Olmsted
  418. Olmstedville
  419. Olnay
  420. Olnee
  421. Olnek
  422. Olney
  423. Olneya
  424. Olnton
  425. Olodort
  426. Olonets
  427. Olonetsian
  428. Olonetsish
  429. Olonos
  430. Olor
  431. Oloron
  432. Olpidiaster
  433. Olpidium
  434. Olsburg
  435. Olsewski
  436. Olshausen
  437. Olszyn
  438. Olton
  439. Olustee
  440. Olva
  441. Olvan
  442. Olwena
  443. Oly
  444. Olympiadic
  445. Olympianise
  446. Olympianize
  447. Olympianly
  448. Olympianwise
  449. Olympicly
  450. Olympicness
  451. Olympieion
  452. Olympionic
  453. Olympium
  454. Olynthiac
  455. Olynthus
  456. Olyphant
  457. Omagua
  458. O'Mahony
  459. Omari
  460. Omarr
  461. O'Meara
  462. Omena
  463. Omidyar
  464. Omland
  465. Ommastrephes
  466. Ommastrephidae
  467. Omnipotence
  468. Omniscience
  469. Omnivora
  470. Omoo
  471. Omor
  472. Omora
  473. Omri
  474. Omro
  475. Omura
  476. Omuta
  477. Onaga
  478. Onagra
  479. Onaka
  480. Onalaska
  481. Onamia
  482. Onancock
  483. Onarga
  484. Onas
  485. Onawa
  486. Onaway
  487. Onchidiidae
  488. Onchidium
  489. Onchiota
  490. Onchocerca
  491. Oncidium
  492. Ondaatje
  493. Onder
  494. Ondine
  495. Ondo
  496. Ondrea
  497. Oneal
  498. Oneals
  499. Oneco
  500. Onegin
  501. Oneil
  502. O'Neil
  503. Oneill
  504. Onekama
  505. Onemo
  506. Oneonta
  507. Onfre
  508. Onfroi
  509. Ongun
  510. Oni
  511. Onia
  512. Onida
  513. Onion
  514. Oniskey
  515. Onitsha
  516. Onmun
  517. Ono
  518. Onoclea
  519. Onofredo
  520. Onohippidium
  521. Ononis
  522. Onopordon
  523. Onosmodium
  524. Onsager
  525. Onslow
  526. Onstad
  527. Onsted
  528. Ontaric
  529. Ontina
  530. Ontine
  531. Ontonagon
  532. Onyx
  533. Oocystaceae
  534. Oocystis
  535. Ookala
  536. Oolitic
  537. Oologah
  538. Ooltewah
  539. Oort
  540. Oosporeae
  541. Oostburg
  542. Ootocoidea
  543. Oozy
  544. Oozys
  545. Opalina
  546. Opaline
  547. Opalinidae
  548. Opalocka
  549. Opata
  550. Opdyke
  551. Opegrapha
  552. Opelika
  553. Opelousas
  554. Opelt
  555. Openglopish
  556. OpenOffice
  557. OPer
  558. Operculata
  559. OPers
  560. Oph
  561. Opheim
  562. Ophelie
  563. Opheltes
  564. Ophia
  565. Ophicephalidae
  566. Ophicephalus
  567. Ophichthyidae
  568. Ophidiidae
  569. Ophidiobatrachia
  570. Ophidion
  571. Ophiobatrachia
  572. Ophiobolus
  573. Ophioglossaceae
  574. Ophiomorpha
  575. Ophion
  576. Ophioninae
  577. Ophiosaurus
  578. Ophis
  579. Ophitic
  580. Ophitism
  581. Ophiuchid
  582. Ophiucus
  583. Ophrys
  584. Ophthalmosaurus
  585. Opiconsivia
  586. Opie
  587. Opilia
  588. Opiliaceae
  589. Opilionina
  590. Opilonea
  591. Opimian
  592. Opis
  593. Opisthobranchia
  594. Opisthocoelia
  595. Opisthocomi
  596. Opisthoglossa
  597. Opisthoglypha
  598. Opisthognathidae
  599. Opisthoparia
  600. Opisthorchis
  601. Opolis
  602. Oppen
  603. Oppenheim
  604. Oppian
  605. Opportina
  606. Opportuna
  607. Optacon
  608. Optez
  609. Opulaster
  610. Opuntiaceae
  611. Opuntiales
  612. Oquawka
  613. Oquossoc
  614. Orabel
  615. Orabelle
  616. Oracon
  617. Oradell
  618. Orakzai
  619. Oralee
  620. Oralia
  621. Oralie
  622. Oralla
  623. Oralle
  624. Oram
  625. Orang
  626. Orangeburg
  627. Orangefield
  628. Orangeist
  629. Orangevale
  630. Orangism
  631. Oranjestad
  632. Oraon
  633. Oratorianism
  634. Oratorianize
  635. Oraville
  636. Orbadiah
  637. Orban
  638. Orbicella
  639. Orbiculoidea
  640. Orbilian
  641. Orbilius
  642. Orbison
  643. Orbisonia
  644. Orbitelariae
  645. Orbitoides
  646. Orbitolina
  647. Orbitolites
  648. Orbulina
  649. Orca
  650. Orcas
  651. Orchestia
  652. Orchestiidae
  653. Orchidales
  654. Orczy
  655. Orderville
  656. Ordovices
  657. Ordway
  658. Oreana
  659. Oreas
  660. Orefield
  661. Oregonia
  662. Oreland
  663. Orelee
  664. Orelia
  665. Orelie
  666. Orella
  667. Orelle
  668. Orelu
  669. Oreocarya
  670. Oreodon
  671. Oreodontidae
  672. Oreodoxa
  673. Oreophasinae
  674. Oreotragus
  675. Orest
  676. Orestean
  677. Oresteia
  678. Orferd
  679. Orfield
  680. Orfinger
  681. Orford
  682. Orfordville
  683. Orfurd
  684. Orgas
  685. Orgell
  686. Orgoglio
  687. Oria
  688. Orian
  689. Oriane
  690. Orianna
  691. Orias
  692. Oribatidae
  693. Oribel
  694. Oribella
  695. Oribelle
  696. Orick
  697. Oriel
  698. Orientalis
  699. Orientalisation
  700. Orientalogy
  701. Origanum
  702. Origenic
  703. Origenical
  704. Origenistic
  705. Origenize
  706. Orinda
  707. Oringa
  708. Oringas
  709. Oriska
  710. Oriskanian
  711. Oriskany
  712. Orit
  713. Orithyia
  714. Orji
  715. Orlan
  716. Orlanais
  717. Orland
  718. Orlans
  719. Orlanta
  720. Orlantha
  721. Orlean
  722. Orleanais
  723. Orleanistic
  724. Orlena
  725. Orlene
  726. Orlich
  727. Orlin
  728. Orlina
  729. Orlinda
  730. Orling
  731. Orlosky
  732. Orlov
  733. Orma
  734. Orman
  735. Ormand
  736. Ormiston
  737. Orms
  738. Ormsby
  739. Ormuzd
  740. Orna
  741. Ornas
  742. Orneus
  743. Ornie
  744. Ornithocephalidae
  745. Ornithocephalus
  746. Ornithodelphia
  747. Ornithodoros
  748. Ornithogaea
  749. Ornithogaean
  750. Ornitholestes
  751. Ornithopappi
  752. Ornithoptera
  753. Ornithopteris
  754. Ornithosauria
  755. Ornithoscelida
  756. Ornstead
  757. Ornytus
  758. Orobatoidea
  759. Orochon
  760. Orocovis
  761. Orohippus
  762. Orola
  763. Orondo
  764. Orono
  765. Oronoco
  766. Oronogo
  767. Orontium
  768. Orontius
  769. Orose
  770. Orosi
  771. Orosius
  772. Orotinan
  773. O'Rourke
  774. Orovada
  775. Orpah
  776. Orpha
  777. Orpheist
  778. Orphical
  779. Orphicism
  780. Orphize
  781. Orran
  782. Orren
  783. Orrick
  784. Orrington
  785. Orrstown
  786. Orrtanna
  787. Orrum
  788. Orrville
  789. Orsay
  790. Orsino
  791. Orsk
  792. Ortalidae
  793. Ortensia
  794. Orthaea
  795. Orthagoriscus
  796. Ortheris
  797. Orthia
  798. Orthidae
  799. Orthis
  800. Orthman
  801. Orthocarpus
  802. Orthoceran
  803. Orthoceras
  804. Orthoceratidae
  805. Orthopoda
  806. Orthopteroidea
  807. Orthorrhapha
  808. Orthos
  809. Orthros
  810. Orthrus
  811. Orting
  812. Ortler
  813. Ortles
  814. Ortley
  815. Ortol
  816. Orton
  817. Ortonville
  818. Ortrud
  819. Ortrude
  820. Ortygian
  821. Ortyginae
  822. Ortyx
  823. Orunchun
  824. Oruntha
  825. ORuss
  826. Orv
  827. Orva
  828. Orvah
  829. Orval
  830. Orvan
  831. Orvas
  832. Orvie
  833. Orvietan
  834. Orvil
  835. Orwigsburg
  836. Orwin
  837. Orycteropodidae
  838. Oryssidae
  839. Oryssus
  840. Oryzomys
  841. Oryzopsis
  842. Osakis
  843. Osana
  844. Osanna
  845. Osawatomie
  846. Osber
  847. Osbert
  848. Osbourn
  849. Osburn
  850. Osc
  851. Oscarella
  852. Oscarellidae
  853. Oschophoria
  854. Oscilight
  855. Oscillaria
  856. Oscillariaceae
  857. Oscillatoria
  858. Oscillatoriaceae
  859. Oscines
  860. Oscinidae
  861. Oscinis
  862. Osco
  863. Oscoda
  864. Osei
  865. Osetic
  866. O'Shee
  867. Osher
  868. Oshinski
  869. Oshkosh
  870. Oshogbo
  871. Oshoto
  872. Oshtemo
  873. Osi
  874. Osiridean
  875. Osirification
  876. Osirify
  877. Osirism
  878. Osithe
  879. Oskaloosa
  880. OSlav
  881. Osmanie
  882. Osmen
  883. Osmorhiza
  884. Osmundaceae
  885. Osnabr
  886. Osnabrü
  887. Osnabrück
  888. Osnabrfck
  889. Osnabrock
  890. Osnaburg
  891. Osnappar
  892. Osorno
  893. Osphromenidae
  894. Osprey
  895. Osric
  896. Osrick
  897. Osrock
  898. Ossetine
  899. Ossetish
  900. Ossianism
  901. Ossianize
  902. Ossie
  903. Ossies
  904. Ossineke
  905. Ossip
  906. Ossipee
  907. Osswald
  908. Ossy
  909. Ostap
  910. Ostariophyseae
  911. Osteen
  912. Osteoglossidae
  913. Osteoglossum
  914. Osteolepidae
  915. Osteolepis
  916. Osteostraci
  917. Oster
  918. Osterburg
  919. Osterhus
  920. Ostertagia
  921. Osterville
  922. Ostler
  923. Ostmannic
  924. Ostmark
  925. Ostmarks
  926. Ostpolitik
  927. Ostpreussen
  928. Ostracea
  929. Ostracodermi
  930. Ostracoidea
  931. Ostracophori
  932. Ostraeacea
  933. Ostrander
  934. Ostraw
  935. Ostrogothian
  936. Osugi
  937. O'Sullivan
  938. Oswal
  939. Oswegan
  940. Oswegatchie
  941. Oswego
  942. Oswell
  943. Oswiecim
  944. Oswin
  945. Osy
  946. Osyka
  947. Osyth
  948. Ot
  949. Otaheitan
  950. Otaria
  951. Otariinae
  952. Otaru
  953. Otego
  954. Otelia
  955. Otero
  956. Otes
  957. Otha
  958. Othake
  959. Othe
  960. Othelia
  961. Othella
  962. Other
  963. Othilia
  964. Othilie
  965. Othin
  966. Othinism
  967. Othniel
  968. Otho
  969. Othoniel
  970. Othonna
  971. Otides
  972. Otila
  973. Otilia
  974. Otina
  975. Otionia
  976. Otiorhynchidae
  977. Otiorhynchinae
  978. Otisco
  979. Otisville
  980. Otley
  981. Otocyon
  982. Otogyps
  983. Otolithidae
  984. Otolithus
  985. Otomaco
  986. Otomitlan
  987. O'Toole
  988. Otozoum
  989. Otsego
  990. Otte
  991. Otterbein
  992. Ottertail
  993. Otterville
  994. Otti
  995. Ottie
  996. Ottillia
  997. Ottine
  998. Ottinger
  999. Ottomanean
  1000. Ottomanic
  1001. Ottomanisation
  1002. Ottomanise
  1003. Ottomanism
  1004. Ottosen
  1005. Ottoville
  1006. Ottsville
  1007. Ottumwa
  1008. Ottweilian
  1009. Otuquian
  1010. Otwell
  1011. Otyak
  1012. Ouaquaga
  1013. Oubangi
  1014. Oubangui
  1015. Oudemian
  1016. Oudenaarde
  1017. Oudenarde
  1018. Oudenardes
  1019. Oudenodon
  1020. Ouessant
  1021. Oueta
  1022. Ouida
  1023. Oulman
  1024. Ouranos
  1025. Ouray
  1026. Ourouparia
  1027. Ouspensky
  1028. Outagami
  1029. Outer
  1030. Outhe
  1031. Outing
  1032. Outlaw
  1033. Outlook
  1034. Ouzinkie
  1035. Ova
  1036. Ovaherero
  1037. Ovalle
  1038. Ovalo
  1039. Ovampo
  1040. Ovando
  1041. Ovangangela
  1042. Ovapa
  1043. Overbrook
  1044. Overgaard
  1045. Overland
  1046. Overlander
  1047. Overly
  1048. Overpeck
  1049. Oveta
  1050. Ovett
  1051. Ovibovinae
  1052. Ovida
  1053. Ovidae
  1054. Ovillus
  1055. Ovinae
  1056. Ovovivipara
  1057. Ovula
  1058. Owades
  1059. Owaneco
  1060. Owanka
  1061. Owasco
  1062. Owasso
  1063. Owatonna
  1064. Owego
  1065. Owena
  1066. Owendale
  1067. Owenia
  1068. Owenize
  1069. Owensboro
  1070. Owensburg
  1071. Owensville
  1072. Owenton
  1073. Owerri
  1074. Owicim
  1075. Owings
  1076. Owingsville
  1077. Owlglass
  1078. Owlshead
  1079. Owlspiegle
  1080. Owosso
  1081. Owyhee
  1082. Oxenstierna
  1083. Oxfordism
  1084. Oxfordist
  1085. Oxly
  1086. Oxonolatry
  1087. Oxyaena
  1088. Oxybaphus
  1089. Oxycontin
  1090. Oxydendrum
  1091. Oxyderces
  1092. Oxylabracidae
  1093. Oxylabrax
  1094. Oxylus
  1095. Oxyopidae
  1096. Oxypolis
  1097. Oxyrrhyncha
  1098. Oxystomata
  1099. Oxytricha
  1100. Oxyuridae
  1101. Oyama
  1102. Oyana
  1103. Oyo
  1104. Oys
  1105. Oysterville
  1106. Oza
  1107. Ozawa
  1108. Ozawkie
  1109. Ozen
  1110. Ozias
  1111. Ozkum
  1112. Ozmo
  1113. Ozonium
  1114. Ozymandias
  1115. Ozzies
  1116. Ozzy