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Wiktionary:Narua entry guidelines

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

This page deals with the specific issues of Narua (also known as Na or Mosuo) entries on Wiktionary.



Na is usually an unwritten language. A couple of traditional glyphs exist, that may or may not point to an earlier script similar to Dongba.[1].

The largest dictionary of the language, Michaud et al. (2024)[2], uses an earlier proposed orthography by Dobbs & Yan (2018)[3] Wiktionary uses this same orthography, which has the following overall tendencies:

stop fricative approximant nasal
aspirated voiceless voiced voiceless voiced
labial p /pʰ/ b /p/ bb /b/ f /f/ v /v̩/ m /m/
dental c /tsʰ/ z /ts/ zz /dz/ s /s/ ss /z/ l /l/
alveolar t /tʰ/ d /t/ dd /d/ lh /ɬ/ n /n/
retroflex ch /tʂʰ/ zh /tʂ/ zzh /dʐ/ sh /ʂ/ r /ʐ/
palatal q /tɕʰ/ j /tɕ/ jj /dʑ/ x /ɕ/ xx /ʑ/ y /j/ ny /ɲ/
velar k /kʰ/ g /k/ gg /ɡ/ h /h/ hr /ɣ/ ng /ŋ/
uvular kh /qʰ/ gh /q/ w (hr) /ʁ/
front central back
unrounded rounded
high ie (ee, i) /i/ eu (u) /v̩/ u /u/ ee (i) /ɯ/
mid ei /e/ e /ə/ e /ɤ/ eo /o/
low ae /æ/ er (eu) /ɻ̩/ a /ɑ/

Tone is usually not indicated, except low tone in monosyllabic roots, which is marked by a word-final -q. Nasalisation is marked with final -n.


  1. ^ Jingyi Liao, Yingqi Liu (2023) “An Analysis of Mosuo Writing System in a Sociolinguistics Context”, in The International Conference on Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies, →DOI
  2. ^ Alexis Michaud et al. (2024) Na (Mosuo) – English – Chinese dictionary[1]
  3. ^ Roselle Dobbs, Xiong Yan (2018) Yongning Narua orthography: users’ guide and developers’ notes[2]