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Wiktionary:Namuyi entry guidelines

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

This page deals with the specific issues of Namuyi entries on Wiktionary.



The orthography used follows the one in Pavlík (2017), but suppleted by information gathered by Li (2017). The following modifications have been made:

  • Tones are re-written according to the phonological analysis by Li (2017):
Pavlík (2017) Li (2017) Wiktionary
à, (â) a⁵⁴ à (IPA ˥˧)
â, a a³³ a (IPA ˧)
ă, á, ā a²¹ ā (IPA ˧˩)
  • The sandhi allophones of the tonemes may be given in multisyllable IPA templates as â (IPA ˥), ă (IPA ˩˧) and á (IPA ˧˥)
  • The nasalised allophones <hn> and <xn> are written as simple <h> and <x>, respectively.
  • Pavlík's <ky> and <khy> are written as <ty> and <thy> (and, before the vowel /i/, as <t> and <th>) respectively.


  • Štěpán Pavlík (2017) The Description of Namuzi Language[1], Prague: Charles University (PhD Thesis)
  • Li Jianfu (2017) A Descriptive Grammar of Namuyi Khatho spoken by Namuyi Tibetans[2], Victoria: La Trobe University (PhD Thesis)