Wiktionary:Esan entry guidelines
The Esan Language Page (Ọni 'Pagi Uro Esan) Note that work is currently going on in this page.
Letters: a, b, d, e, ẹ, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, ọ, p, r, s, t, u, v, w, y, z. Digraphs: bh, gb, gh, kh, kp, mh, ny, nw, sh.
A, a /a:/ n. the first letter of the Esan alphabet [origin: La[http://]tin]
a /a:/ suff. (also -a, an, -an) a dangling letter placed at the end of some split verbs, such as 'khọa' (=to bathe), 'gboa' (=to clean), 'toa' (=to burn), 'niẹn-a' (=to stretch), 'gbẹn-an' (=to be lost or forfeited), 'hẹn-an' (=to relax), etc in order to differentiate them from similar verbs as well as complete their meanings: To emhin a. = Burn something.
a /a:/ impersonal pron. See: Aah
'a abbrev. abbreviated form of 'la' (=go and; about to) See: la
aa /a:/ perfecter (always accompanied by question mark) a word meaning 'what about' or 'how about', coming immediately after a word ending in letter 'a' and whose sound ends in letter 'a', or whose last consonant letter is preceded by a letter 'a' (i.e. aban, ea, ọkpa, igan, iman, ọhan, etc): Eni ibha ko dia aa? = How about the people you once lived together? / Emhin si aba aa? = What about daddy's thing? / Ea aa? = How about three?
egbe,noun: Body. Examples: Egbe daen? = Are you okay?