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Wiktionary:About Plautdietsch

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This page is a (stub of a) draft guideline for handling entries in the Mennonite Low German lect known as Plautdietsch.

For the forms of Low German spoken in Germany, see Wiktionary:About German Low German. For the forms of Low German/Saxon spoken in the Netherlands, see Wiktionary:About Dutch Low Saxon. For an overview of all the lects called "Low German" or "Low Saxon", an information on those names, see Wiktionary:About Low German.

Plautdietsch is represented on Wiktionary by the code pdt.

Plautdietsch nouns are normally capitalized, like (German) Low German nouns, and unlike Dutch Low Saxon nouns.

Key to pronunciation


Here follows an incomplete guide to the general pronunciation of various vowels and consonants:

A /a/, unstressed word-finally: /ə/~/ʌ/
Ä /e/
AA /ɛa/
AU /ɔu/
E /ɛ/, unstressed: /ə/
EE /əɪ/
EU /ɛy/, /ɛʊ/
I /i/, /ɪ/
IE /i/
O /o/, /ɔ/
OA /ɔa/
OO /əʊ/
U /y/, /ʊ/
J /j/
B /b/
CH /χ/, /ç/, at the beginning of some morphemes: /k/
D /d/
F /f/
G /ɡ/~/ɣ/
H /h/
K /k/
KJ /c/
L /l/
M /m/
N /n/
ND /nd/
NK /ŋk/
NKJ /ɲc/
P /p/
PF /pf/
R /ɹ/~/ɾ/~/r/
S initially: /z/, elsewhere: /s/ (as in High German)
SCH /ʃ/
SP- morpheme-initially: /ʃp/ (syllable-finally /sp/)
ST- morpheme-initially: /ʃt/ (syllable-finally: /st/)
T /t/
V /f/
W /v/
Z /ts/