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From Russian Все́волод (Vsévolod) or Ukrainian Все́волод (Vsévolod). Compare Belarusian Усе́валад (Usjévalad), Lithuanian Visvaldas, Latvian Visvaldis.

Proper noun



  1. A transliteration of the Russian male given name Все́волод (Vsévolod).
    • 2022 August 26, Pjotr Sauer, “‘There were hundreds of us’: Navalny ex-staffer tells of being FSB informer”, in The Guardian[1]:
      In Tbilisi, he also met Vsevolod Osipov, 20, a libertarian activist who told the Russian independent news website Meduza last month that he had been recruited by the FSB under pressure and sent to Georgia to monitor the Russian opposition.
  2. A transliteration of the Ukrainian male given name Все́волод (Vsévolod).
    Synonym: Wsewolod