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Veli +‎ Pekka


  • IPA(key): /ˈʋeliˌpekːɑ/, [ˈʋe̞liˌpe̞kːɑ̝]
  • Rhymes: -ekːɑ
  • Hyphenation(key): Veli‧Pekka

Proper noun



  1. a male given name


Inflection of Veli-Pekka (Kotus type 9*A/kala, kk-k gradation)
nominative Veli-Pekka Veli-Pekat
genitive Veli-Pekan Veli-Pekkojen
partitive Veli-Pekkaa Veli-Pekkoja
illative Veli-Pekkaan Veli-Pekkoihin
singular plural
nominative Veli-Pekka Veli-Pekat
accusative nom. Veli-Pekka Veli-Pekat
gen. Veli-Pekan
genitive Veli-Pekan Veli-Pekkojen
Veli-Pekkain rare
partitive Veli-Pekkaa Veli-Pekkoja
inessive Veli-Pekassa Veli-Pekoissa
elative Veli-Pekasta Veli-Pekoista
illative Veli-Pekkaan Veli-Pekkoihin
adessive Veli-Pekalla Veli-Pekoilla
ablative Veli-Pekalta Veli-Pekoilta
allative Veli-Pekalle Veli-Pekoille
essive Veli-Pekkana Veli-Pekkoina
translative Veli-Pekaksi Veli-Pekoiksi
abessive Veli-Pekatta Veli-Pekoitta
instructive Veli-Pekoin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of Veli-Pekka (Kotus type 9*A/kala, kk-k gradation)


  • Veli-Pekka is the 235th most common male given name in Finland, belonging to 2,237 male individuals (and as a middle name to 456 more), according to February 2023 data from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency of Finland.