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Latest comment: 11 years ago by ZBroz in topic Batch 6
information For any inquiries, contact Dan Polansky (talkcontribs)

Batch of Czech translations


I have added a batch of some 242 translation sets; some of these were already present, so the actual number is a bit lower. Adding the batch rather automatically was enabled by User:ZBroz/common.js, which makes it possible to add translations to the right translation table via URL.

The translations to be added were placed in an Excel sheet that contained the following VBA code, which opened a command URL in the browser for each translation set to be added:

Public Sub addToWikt()
  buttonToPress = "wpDiff"
  Rem buttons: wpDiff,wpPreview,wpSave
  For i = 1 To 242
    Rem TODO: Apply urlencode on the translation? Was not needed so far, for whatever reason.
    Rem remove quotation marks, which merely mark uncertainty
    translation = Replace$(ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 4), "?", "")
    addr = "http://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=" & ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 3) & "&action=edit&task=addtrans&translation=" & translation & "&gloss=" & ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 2) & "&button=" & buttonToPress & "&language=Czech&langCode=cs"
    ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=addr
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:08"))
    Rem Wait for 8 seconds; waiting for 5 secs has caused Wiktionary to say this:
    Rem "As an anti-spam measure, you are limited from performing this action
    Rem too many times in a short space of time, and you have exceeded this limit.
    Rem Please try again in a few minutes."
  MsgBox ("Batch completed.")
End Sub

In the above version, the VBA code opens the pages for diff; to have the translations saved instead, replace "wpDiff" with "wpSave". Above, the language is hardwired in "&language=Czech&langCode=cs".

Some example rows from the Excel sheet, with an empty first column:

	containing the maximum possible amount	full	plný
	liquid condiment	sauce	omáčka
	displaying anger	angry	rozhněvaný; rozzlobený; zlostný
	hair of sheep, etc.	wool	vlna

An example URL to add a translation, showing a diff instead of saving:


--Dan Polansky, adding translations donated by ZBroz (talk) 23:14, 26 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

Batch 2


I have added a further batch of translations. They were donated by Zdeněk Brož and verified by me (Dan Polansky); in case of only a weak doubt I have left the translation in the batch.

There are 194 sets added. --Dan Polansky, contributing translations donated by ZBroz (talk) 11:42, 4 March 2012 (UTC)Reply

Batch 3


I have added a further batch of translations. They were donated by Zdeněk Brož and superficially verified by me (Dan Polansky).

Around 650 sets have been added. --Dan Polansky, contributing translations donated by ZBroz (talk) 20:57, 6 April 2012 (UTC)Reply

Batch 4


I have added a further batch of translations. They were donated by Zdeněk Brož and superficially verified by me (Dan Polansky).

Around 200 sets have been added. --Dan Polansky, contributing translations donated by ZBroz (talk) 15:50, 17 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Czech entries


I have created new Czech entries based on the Czech translations previously added by this user to translation tables. I used User:ZBroz/Tbot.js, a modified copy of User:Ruakh/Tbot.js. --Dan Polansky, contributing translations donated by ZBroz (talk) 00:00, 24 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Batch 5


I have added a further batch of translations. They were donated by Zdeněk Brož and superficially verified by me (Dan Polansky).

Around 90 sets have been added. --Dan Polansky, contributing translations donated by ZBroz (talk) 19:35, 17 July 2013 (UTC)Reply

Batch 6


I have added a further batch of translations. They were donated by Zdeněk Brož and superficially verified by me (Dan Polansky).

Around 50 sets have been added. --Dan Polansky, contributing translations donated by ZBroz (talk) 18:07, 28 December 2013 (UTC).Reply