User talk:MrSmart

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A Little Advice


For one, plurals really don't need their own article, a simple redirect is fine. The code for a redirect is: #REDIRECT [[article name]]

Also, since you're so prolific, it would be nice if you would properly format. An example:

From the greek word ''pantheion'', a shrine to all the gods.
#The totality of gods of a given religion or culture. 
===Proper noun===
#The circular temple dedicated to all the gods in 27 BC in Rome. 
===See also===
[[w:Pantheon|Wikipedia article on the Pantheon]]

Notice the number of ='s, two for the language and three for pretty much everything else.

Thanks for your work,

--Eean 02:22, 19 Nov 2004 (UTC)

...for want of something better to do...


I guess it would be of interest to check out newly written article on diabolic. --Dennis Valeev 22:47, 19 Nov 2004 (UTC

Thanks:O), somewhat improved than my initial effort! MrSmart
But that was an inductive effort after all, as I was loitering about uncharted areas of 'recent changes' page and stumbled {serendipitiously so} across your contribution. I don't usually contribute to this project but I look forward to contributing as many material as I can. I believe there's a better way to do so but merely write it on your own. So many fair use projects on the internet from which it is possible to take some material. Well, in the first place, I should write a program that would substitute all 'smart' terms in an article with wikified ones. And after that, we will put them in the wiktionary database effortlessly and slipperily. Poka. --Dennis Valeev 19:55, 20 Nov 2004 (UTC)

My Response



In order to answer in the current thread you better put some colons in the beginning of an answer. As I've done it here: ::::In order to answer... One colon stands for one level in a thread. --Dennis Valeev 22:11, 20 Nov 2004 (UTC)



Hi MrSmart,

Just to acquaint you with the format for non-English-language entries, please see the changes I have made to your article Μεξικό. Thanks. — Paul G 12:27, 24 Nov 2004 (UTC)

 :::':THANKS,I'll keep that in mind:O)MrSmart



Please stop entering definitions for "Hassid" etc. as "ultra-orthodox". I'll put in the proper definitions when I find time. -dmh 22:01, 2 Dec 2004 (UTC)

THANKS :o)<p>YES,your definition is better,I've used it in my newer entries.


Thanks, and thanks for including the link to the Wikipedia article. -dmh 20:38, 3 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Your welcome!


Mister Smart



Umm people stopped using the word negro like 40 years ago. Well, at least if your not my 90 year old grandmother, the word isn't offensive really, it is just flamingly archaic. Its fine to define negro obviously, but it isn't a word that should be used in definitions. --Eean 04:40, 3 Dec 2004 (UTC)


Yes,I'm 47 years old, In my childhood negro was being

replaced by black,personally I find it difficult to use

African-american,I find it a tad pretentious&p.c.when I do use

negro in conversation it's usually with my tongue-in-cheek,

I prefer "black", MrSmart

Yea, I didn't think it was likely you would actually use the word negro without some invisible quotation marks. If you look at the AHD, African-American isn't replacing black, so you don't have to worry about that. Just use the words you would use normally when writing defitions.
Remember to include the ==language== in new defintions, and that parts of speech get three ='s, so like ===Adjective===. Thanks for your work, --Eean 09:26, 4 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Mister Smart