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Latest comment: 3 months ago by MdMV or Emdy idk in topic chober



Please don't edit languages ​​you don't know, the Mirandese pages are very messy and we don't need new low quality entries Stríðsdrengur (talk) 21:31, 17 January 2024 (UTC)Reply

I speak Mirandese fluently though? MdMV or Emdy idk (talk) 21:38, 17 January 2024 (UTC)Reply
It has come to my attention a friend of mine has already told you about me, Fueyo221. I’m his so called Mirandese friend 😅. Just wanted to say that I am a fluent speaker and I was correcting a mistake on adding the word paxarina. MdMV or Emdy idk (talk) 21:46, 17 January 2024 (UTC)Reply
I'm very happy to have a native here, I have a friend who is also native, I hope we can be good companions and work together :) Stríðsdrengur (talk) 15:32, 18 January 2024 (UTC)Reply



Hello, it's very nice to have a native mirandese speaker here! Could you please check the conjugation I added to chober - I based it on comer at the end of this paper: LMRNconvencao (which is the main source on my knowledge of Mirandese) and just changed "o" to "uo" whenever it's stressed. I also moved the page from original "chuober", since as far as I know the "uo" only appears in stressed position.
A few more things:

  • according to your recording for the word pensar and the phonetic transcription it is pronounced /pɐ̃s̺aɾ/ or /pẽs̺aɾ/; from what I've read I was under the impression that all unstressed "en"s were pronounced [ ɨ̃ ] like in centeno (like stated in page 9 of the above document. Is it because it's before "s"?
  • I was always curious about how words ending in -ie (like die) are pronounced; can you please record some words like these?

thank you. Sérgio Santos (talk) 15:32, 6 November 2024 (UTC)Reply

Greetings! Apologies for the delay in my answer.
In the central dialect of mirandese, many instances of [ ɨ ] or [ e ] become [ ɐ ], like /pɐ̃s̺aɾ/. I have personally never heard pensar with [ ɨ ], but I haven't interacted that much with other dialects. Centeno follows this same pattern, i'd also say centeno with [ ɐ̃ ].
words ending in -ie are complicated, having slight variations in pronunciation, but i would personally say itˈdi(.ɨ) or ˈdi.e, but i know that up north they can even say just ˈde.
regarding your chober page, it looks just fine! but i personally dont conjugate the verb to rain too much lol.
if you'd like to get more in touch regarding your mirandese knowledge, i have other social medias and i'd love to share my knowledge!
Bien hábades! MdMV or Emdy idk (talk) 22:45, 8 November 2024 (UTC)Reply
In the central dialect of mirandese, many instances of [ ɨ ] or [ e ] become [ ɐ ], like /pɐ̃s̺aɾ/. I have personally never heard pensar with [ ɨ ], but I haven't interacted that much with other dialects. Centeno follows this same pattern, i'd also say centeno with [ ɐ̃ ]. - So it seems that is related to the in-, en- becoming an- when unstressed, like in *enchir > anchir, *inchar > anchar, so I'm guessing when the [e] is stressed ( as in "penso") it becomes [ẽ] again (?).

It's curious because here in Alentejo the opposite occurs in some words: anzol, ancinho and lamber are pronounced enzol, encinho and lember. Sometimes there are some curious similarities: we also say amanhar with the meaning "to fix" and abalar (=abalhar) with the meaning "to go away" and vespa here is "abêspra", the last one I could't find in Dicionário Mirandês, but I remember seeing somewhere as "abiespra" or something similar (that dictionary does have "bespreiro", which we say "abespreiro").

I've been adding some pronunciations based on the document I linked above, but according to what you said it's probably better to leave that to you. Maybe the authors speak a different variety than yours (although they do mention other dialects and their differences but I don't remember any mention of "en" being pronounced "an", other than word initial; maybe it's a generational difference?) Sérgio Santos (talk) 14:38, 9 November 2024 (UTC)Reply
mayhaps, when's your source from? if it's from vasconcelos then it's probably outdated.
also yeah, penso is with the "normal" e again MdMV or Emdy idk (talk) 15:02, 9 November 2024 (UTC)Reply
Actually it's funny you mention Vasconcelos since I started reading it just out of curiosity, but I open so many tabs in my browser and keep going back and forth between them and doing so much stuff at the same time that I only read two or three pages.
My main source is the PDF document I linked to in my first comment: Convenção Ortográfica da Língua Mirandesa (1999) [1] (here's another link); I just checked it randomly and that was where I found "abiêspra" (still with the older spelling); it also says that "bendima, centeno" have [ ɨ̃ ].
Also you should take a look at the wikipedia page Mirandese language which right at the begining it appears to have some transcription errors (the most obvious one is the word mirandesa being transcribed [mi.ɾɐ̃ˈdɛs̺ɐ/ mi.ɾɐnˈdɛs̺ɐ] with [s̺] instead of [z̺]). Sérgio Santos (talk) 15:29, 9 November 2024 (UTC)Reply
oh crap i did that transcription lmao (like 80% of that page was written by me), youre free to fix it or i can fix it myself!
And it being from the cumbençon makes some sense since with [ ɨ̃ ] is i guess valid too, and i assume the closed a was still viewed as informal and faster speech? im unsure, but there are audio records, the one that comes to mind is Galandum Galundaina's recording of the traditional song "para namorar morena", which begins with "nun me gusta l pan centeno, que m'amarga la costreza" and reads centeno like i read it (i believe the singer is from mirnda de l douro the city which gives him more portuguese traits in pronunciation and vocab but keeps the closed a thingy of the central dialect), but if you listen to pica&trilha, you'll see they dont do this (theyre from sendin, and speak the sendinese dialect of mirandese, which btw has a very goofy pronunciation) MdMV or Emdy idk (talk) 17:16, 9 November 2024 (UTC)Reply
oh crap i did that transcription lmao - that's funny. I don't mind correct it myself, but I was a bit confused by the non-nasalized pronunciation, which I was unaware of.
theyre from sendin, and speak the sendinese dialect of mirandese, which btw has a very goofy pronunciation - that's also funny, since most portuguese people would probably find all of mirandese "goofy" sounding, I guess, because of it's peculiarities.
I'll check those songs, I hadnt heard of that band in a long time, i had completely forgot about them. Sérgio Santos (talk) 17:30, 9 November 2024 (UTC)Reply
Oh, I see you've already corrected it. I have been thinking about doing a massive reformulation of the page on the Alentejan dialect, which is just full of disparates; half the information is just wrong, and there's a lot missing. Sérgio Santos (talk) 17:40, 9 November 2024 (UTC)Reply
Hey! Yeah you were correct about the açpuis one, typo’s on me. Btw sorry for disappearing I couldn’t find our talk page but only now have I realised that’s because we’re talking on my wiktionary talk page, not Wikipedia, I’ve looked across all corners of Wikipedia lmao 😭 MdMV or Emdy idk (talk) 09:46, 19 November 2024 (UTC)Reply
Also, I’d be willing to grant you access to my mirandese dictionary that’s still on the making! But I can’t drop the link publicly here. MdMV or Emdy idk (talk) 09:47, 19 November 2024 (UTC)Reply
If you wanted to make a wiktionary page of a word I’d written there you totally could! If you want to we’d just have to find another mean of communication that’s not wiktionary lmao MdMV or Emdy idk (talk) 09:49, 19 November 2024 (UTC)Reply
I'd be very interested, since the online mirandese dictionary seems to be lacking many words; you could send me the link to my email Sérgio Santos (talk) 10:12, 23 November 2024 (UTC)Reply
Sure! What’s your email? MdMV or Emdy idk (talk) 16:06, 30 November 2024 (UTC)Reply
It' in my user page, "E-mail this user", under "Tools" at the left. Sérgio Santos (talk) 23:31, 30 November 2024 (UTC)Reply
Are you certain? I can’t seem to find anything related to emails below the Tools bar MdMV or Emdy idk (talk) 13:52, 1 December 2024 (UTC)Reply
Oh, if you're using the new look (Vector 2022) it's on the right, then; I also don't see that option on your user page, I just assumed you didn't add an email account - I don't remember if you can make an account without providing an email. Try cntrl+F "email". Sérgio Santos (talk) 19:57, 1 December 2024 (UTC)Reply
It appears that the email option only appers in the desktop version. If you still can't find it, let me know and i'll just post it here. Sérgio Santos (talk) 11:29, 2 December 2024 (UTC)Reply
Wait, I found it: in mobile mode, under Special Pages > User Rights > Email User. You just have to spell my username exactly, with caps, otherwise it doesnt appear in the autofill sugestions. Sérgio Santos (talk) 11:38, 2 December 2024 (UTC)Reply
When I do said thing it leads me to some sort of user group page? I apologise for my lack of technological literacy 😅. Isn’t there another way? You have any other social media like discord or Reddit? MdMV or Emdy idk (talk) 17:28, 4 December 2024 (UTC)Reply



Was this what you were tryimg to do? Sérgio Santos (talk) 16:10, 6 November 2024 (UTC)Reply

yep! thanks for catching that. MdMV or Emdy idk (talk) 22:46, 8 November 2024 (UTC)Reply