User:Visviva/Toronto Star 20090322
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This is a list of lowercase non-hyphenated single words, lacking English entries in the English Wiktionary as of the most recent database dump, found in the 2009-03-22 issue of the Toronto Star (2009-03-22). More info...
Please create these entries if you are able. Feel free to maintain and annotate the list as well. Typos and non-English words can be removed, or sequestered at the bottom of the list if annotation is needed. The quotes often provide good usage examples and attestation evidence and, in many cases, should be included in the entry or citation page for the lemma. Clicking an "add" link should preload the edit form with a dummy entry including a formatted citation for the passage in question. In some cases a "notemp" link is also provided; this generates a template-free version. False blue links (entries that exist but lack a section for the appropriate language) are marked with a "*". [ see all Toronto Star pages ] - [ see all tracking lists ] - [ This day's: Observer - New York Times - PubMed Central - ] |
46667 tokens ‧ 34392 valid lowercase tokens ‧ 6100 types ‧ 14 (~ 0.23%) words before cleaning ‧