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User:Visviva/NAMS 200901

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← Previous (2008-12) Words harvested from Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 2009-01
  • List status: open
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This is a list of lowercase non-hyphenated single words, lacking English entries in the English Wiktionary as of the most recent database dump, found in the 2009-01 issue of Notices of the American Mathematical Society.

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  • Based on PDF-extracted text; beware of errors in word separation

199050 tokens ‧ 59371 valid lowercase tokens ‧ 6558 types ‧ 409 (~ 6.237%) words before cleaning ‧ 


  1. biadjoint
  2. bipermutative
  3. choreutics
  4. drawups
  5. farkled
  6. hypercorrelation
  7. hyperion
  8. mathlets
  9. preprojective
  10. pseudodifferential
  11. quasifinite
  12. quasilinearization
  13. redistricter
  14. subanalytic
  15. subequivalence
  16. supercavitating
  17. supercongruence
  18. superparameterization
  19. syntomic