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User:That Northern Irish Historian

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♧◇♡♤■□☆☆☆☆☆I speak English, Spanish, and Scots, currently studying Old Lombard and Old Leonese☆☆☆☆□■♤♡◇♧

○●•°⊙₩ell a ₩ee bit of Leonese I kno₩.⊙°•●○

Old Leonese


1245 Sahagún Document


Ena bodega VI. cubas, las III. mayores, las dues son de VIII, palmos et otra es carral, vna mesa, vn pozal, vna ferrada, IIII, aradros con V rezas, dos yugos con sos cornales e con sus melenas, dos trillos con sos camizos, VI palas de era, XII cestas pora seruir, IIII. jozes podaderas, IIII arreyadas, dos azadas, Il payares xenos de paya menula, bona tenada de sarmientos, luen vuerto poblado de colos e de puer-ros. Ena eglesia I archa e I acetro pora seruir la eglisa, una colodra pora tomar la offerenda.

Nodicia de kesos

1st column

Nodicia de /kesos que /espisit frater /Semeno: jn labore /de fratres jn ilo ba- /celare /de cirka Sancte Ius- /te, kesos U; jn ilo /alio de apate, /II kesos; en [que] /puseron ogano, /kesos IIII; jn ilo /de Kastrelo, I; /jn ila vinia majore, /II

List of /cheeses that spent brother /Semeno: in the work/ of the brothers in the vi /neyard /near Saint Just,/ 5 cheeses; in the /other of the abbot, /2 cheeses; in [the one that]/ they put this year, / 4 cheeses; in the one /of Castrillo, 1; /in the main vineyard, 2
2nd column

/que lebaron en fosado, /II, ad ila tore; /que baron a Cegia, /II, quando la talia- /ron ila mesa; II que /lebaron Lejione; II /..s...en /u...re... /...que... /...c... /...e...u /...alio (?) /... /g... Uane Ece; alio ke le /ba de sopbrino de Gomi /de do...a...; IIII que espi- /seron quando llo rege /uenit ad Rocola; /I qua salbatore ibi /uenit'

/that they took as war tribute, /2, to the tower; that they took to Cea, /2, when they car- /ved the table; 2 that /they took to León; 2/..s...en /u...re... /...que... /...c... /...e...u /...other (?) /... /g... Uane Ece /another that to- /ok Gomi's nephew /de do...a...; 4 that they spe- /nt when the king /came to Rozuela; /1 when Salvador /came there.

Fuero de Avíles & Fuero de Oviedo


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