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User:Robert Ullmann/Han/3E00

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Summary of checks on Han character entries from UCS hex 3E00 to 3EFF, run on 20 August 2010 XML dump of the en.wikt.

This is one row (sometimes called a block) of the Unified Han characters; see the Unihan database for this row.


  • The simple meaning shown is just the first # definition line in the entry, regardless of language.
  • Exceptions may not be errors, rather things that did not "pass" rather simple checks; some less used level 4 headers, etc. may show up.
  • Some exceptions may mask others, for example if the horizontal rule ending a section is reported missing, missing POS headers or definitions in that section will not be reported.
  • A major error (bad L2 header) will cause details to be suppressed, also if there are simply too many exceptions.
  • Cruft refers to the format, not the content!

This page is generated by 'bot code, and is completely over-written on each run, so it isn't very useful to edit it.

UCS Simple meaning {{rfdef}} languages Exceptions
3E05 ashes; candle end No definition line for Cantonese
No definition line for Mandarin
3E16 store vegetables over the winter Mandarin Hanzi section missing
3E17 a father not related to the child by blood, yet distinct from a foster father Mandarin Hanzi section missing
3E34 rare Korean surname Radical number missing
Radical missing
Additional strokes parameter missing or incorrect
Han ref template in Translingual Han character section missing
No wikilink in any definition found
3E66 short-tailed dog yue
3EA7 a kind of dog which has light yellowish hair No definition line for Vietnamese
Mandarin Hanzi section missing
vi-hantu template in Vietnamese Han character section missing
No wikilink in any definition found