From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
This user has used Wikipedia and Wiktionary for years, but only started editing Wiktionary after noticing some gaps in the etymology of taxonomic names. Given her botany background, she's actually equipped to fix some of that, and is delighted for the opportunity to do so. She mostly plans to stick to Wikignoming, though. She finds it awkward to talk about herself in the encyclopedic third person.
She's also quite new to editing Wiktionary, and doesn't know its editing conventions and shortcuts well at all. If she screws up, please let her know! She'll appreciate the opportunity to learn and to fix her mistakes.
Taxon names (genus, specific epithet, family, etc., etc.):
In need of photos:
Botany: Bristol rockcress , cloak fern , probably most plant families , floating heart , gloxinia , godetia , Jack-in-the-pulpit , Japanese cedar , Japanese climbing fern , jeffersonia (both senses), jewelweed , jointed cactus , jointfir , jumping cholla , kaniwa , kermes oak , kerria , khakiweed , khesari , kikar , King Alfred's cake , kingcup , king fern , kingwood , kinnikinnick , kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate , kniphofia , krameria , ladies' eardrops , lady palm , Lambert pine , large-toothed aspen , lavatera , leaf cactus , leatherwood , lemon basil , lemon myrtle , leucadendron , leucothoe , lewisia , lignum rhodium , ligustrum , linaria , liriodendron , lithospermum , Livingstone daisy , locule , long-spurred violet , lopgrass , lopseed , lousewort , lungwort , lycoris , macassar , madake , Madeira vine , Pachycereus , quiver tree , radiator plant , raffia palm , ragwort , raisin tree , Randall grass , rare spring-sedge , rattlesnake plantain , ...
Other: khimar , laryngotome , quaker , quiff , linsang , roach (the sailing sense), sap (the blackjack sense), scarlet bugler , many others ...
Useful code snippets [ edit ]
"Derived from" template: {{der|mul|grc|ἐρυθρός||red}}
= "Ancient Greek ἐρυθρός ( eruthrós , “ red ” ) "
Multiple words: {{af|la|vacca|-aria|t1=cow|t2=pertaining to}}
= "vacca ( “ cow ” ) + -aria ( “ pertaining to ” ) "
Inline interwiki links:
Wikipedia: {{pedia|i=1}}
(or [[w:Asarum|Asarum]]
Wikispecies: {{specieslite|i=1}}
(or [[species:Asarum|Asarum]]
Commons: {{comcatlite|i=1}}
(or [[c:Category:Asarum|Asarum]]
ITIS: {{R:ITIS|18453|i=1}}
Catalogue of Life: {{R:COL|17736337|i=1}}
Encyclopedia of Life: {{R:EOL|37737|i=1}}
NCBI: {{R:NCBI|3448|i=1}}
The Plant List: {{R:TPL|i=1}}
Tropicos: {{R:Tropicos|i=1}}
Side-box interwiki links:
Wikipedia: {{wikipedia}}
Wikispecies: {{wikispecies|Caltha palustris}}
or just {{wikispecies}}
Commons: {{commons}}
Photo box: [[Image:Filename.JPG|thumb|Caption goes here.]]
Photo montage: {{Image frame|content={{Photo montage | photo1a = File1.jpg | photo2a = File2.jpg | photo2b = File3.jpg | photo3a = File4.jpg}} | width = 200 | caption = Caption goes here.}}
Recursion: <code><nowiki> </nowiki></code>