User:Pengo/missing self- words
self- words found in English Fiction 1-grams since 1950.
Words are only listed if neither hyphenated nor non-hyphenated forms were found as English entries in Wiktionary.
- Probably contains scannos and compound words created by OCR.
- Book/volume counts are only for the non-hyphenated forms, many of which are scannos for the hyphenated form. Still there are generally far more hyphenated instances to be found than the counts suggest, e.g: selfloathing v self-loathing (ngram data)
- This list is complete, not just the top n entries.
found in 500+ books/volumes
[edit]- selfloathing / self-loathing
- selfdisgust / self-disgust
- selfcentred / self-centred
- selfdiscovery / self-discovery
- selfmockery / self-mockery
- selfrecrimination / self-recrimination
- selfprotective / self-protective
- selfmocking / self-mocking
- selfrevelation / self-revelation
- selfcomplacency / self-complacency
- selfdefinition / self-definition
- selfcondemnation / self-condemnation
- selfunderstanding / self-understanding
- selfgoverning / self-governing
- selfflagellation / self-flagellation
- selfaccusation / self-accusation
- selfmutilation / self-mutilation
- selfidentification / self-identification
- selfidentity / self-identity
- selfobsessed / self-obsessed
- selfcontainment / self-containment
- selfcreated / self-created
- selfpunishment / self-punishment
- selfregard / self-regard
- selfdevelopment / self-development
- selfdescribed / self-described
- selfreflexive / self-reflexive
- selfquestioning / self-questioning
- selfeducation / self-education
- selfforgetfulness / self-forgetfulness
- selfreflection / self-reflection
- selfabandonment / self-abandonment
found in 200+ books/volumes
[edit]- selfbetrayal / self-betrayal
- selftorture / self-torture
- selfrecognition / self-recognition
- selfrepresentation / self-representation
- selfpublished / self-published
- selfimportantly / self-importantly
- selfderision / self-derision
- selfreproaches / self-reproaches
- selfhypnosis / self-hypnosis
- selfpresentation / self-presentation
- selfopinionated / self-opinionated
- selfjustifying / self-justifying
- selfadministered / self-administered
- selfsurrender / self-surrender
- selfdepreciation / self-depreciation
- selfdeprecatingly / self-deprecatingly
- selfdeprecatory / self-deprecatory
- selfgenerated / self-generated
- selfidentified / self-identified
- selfenclosed / self-enclosed
- selfperception / self-perception
- selfglorification / self-glorification
- selfapproval / self-approval
- selfdramatization / self-dramatization
- selfparody / self-parody
- selfblame / self-blame
- selfdeluded / self-deluded
- selfrecriminations / self-recriminations
- selfdeluding / self-deluding
- selfconcept / self-concept
- selfadvertisement / self-advertisement
- selfmortification / self-mortification
- selfdeceiving / self-deceiving
- selfaffirmation / self-affirmation
- selfprofessed / self-professed
- selfdeceived / self-deceived
- selfcreation / self-creation
- selfrepression / self-repression
- selfexposure / self-exposure
- selfdependence / self-dependence
- selfdescription / self-description
- selfhate / self-hate
- selfdeclared / self-declared
- selfevaluation / self-evaluation
- selftransformation / self-transformation
- selfscrutiny / self-scrutiny
- selfpreserving / self-preserving
- selfconstituted / self-constituted
- selfrevealing / self-revealing
- selfexploration / self-exploration
- selfdisclosure / self-disclosure
- selfassuredness / self-assuredness
- selfaccusations / self-accusations
- selfreproachful / self-reproachful
- selfcentredness / self-centredness
- selfincriminating / self-incriminating
- selfforgetful / self-forgetful
- selfcommunion / self-communion
- selfrealisation / self-realisation
- selfinterests / self-interests
- selfcongratulations / self-congratulations
- selfreflective / self-reflective
- selffulfilment / self-fulfilment
- selfrestrained / self-restrained
- selfdramatizing / self-dramatizing
- selfsuppression / self-suppression
- selfhumiliation / self-humiliation
- selfinvolvement / self-involvement
- selfassertiveness / self-assertiveness
- selfconcern / self-concern
- selftranscendence / self-transcendence
- selfelected / self-elected
- selfcontemplation / self-contemplation
found in 100+ books/volumes
[edit]- selfcastigation / self-castigation
- selfdoubting / self-doubting
- selfsufficing / self-sufficing
- selfconsuming / self-consuming
- selfhealing / self-healing
- selfdefensive / self-defensive
- selfaggrandisement / self-aggrandisement
- selfreflexivity / self-reflexivity
- selfchosen / self-chosen
- selfaccusing / self-accusing
- selfgenerating / self-generating
- selfpromoting / self-promoting
- selfconsequence / self-consequence
- selfcondemned / self-condemned
- selfexile / self-exile
- selftorment / self-torment
- selflimiting / self-limiting
- selfappreciation / self-appreciation
- selfdivision / self-division
- selfappraisal / self-appraisal
- selfdefined / self-defined
- selfapprobation / self-approbation
- selfconquest / self-conquest
- selfcomposure / self-composure
- selfdetermining / self-determining
- selfjudgment / self-judgment
- selfmanagement / self-management
- selfcomposed / self-composed
- selffashioning / self-fashioning
- selfpunishing / self-punishing
- selfcommuning / self-communing
- selfsacrificial / self-sacrificial
- selfseekers / self-seekers
- selfcondemning / self-condemning
- selfrenewing / self-renewing
- selfintroduction / self-introduction
- selfchastisement / self-chastisement
- selfdestroying / self-destroying
- selfrevulsion / self-revulsion
- selfdependent / self-dependent
- selfdelusions / self-delusions
- selfobservation / self-observation
- selfgratulation / self-gratulation
- selfsustained / self-sustained
- selfabnegating / self-abnegating
- selfadvertising / self-advertising
- selfportraiture / self-portraiture
- selfrevelations / self-revelations
- selfpreoccupation / self-preoccupation
- selfselected / self-selected
- selfreferentiality / self-referentiality
- selfi / self-i
- selfforgetting / self-forgetting
- selfconception / self-conception
- selfalienation / self-alienation
- selfdefining / self-defining
- selfcommiseration / self-commiseration
- selfinvited / self-invited
- selfcultivation / self-cultivation
- selfdegradation / self-degradation
- selfengrossed / self-engrossed
- selff / self-f
- selfmockingly / self-mockingly
- selfl / self-l
- selfcontradictions / self-contradictions
- selfexiled / self-exiled
- selfsearching / self-searching
- selfirony / self-irony
- selfvindication / self-vindication
- selfcontent / self-content
- selfempowerment / self-empowerment
- selfcorrection / self-correction
- selfindulgences / self-indulgences
- selfcorrecting / self-correcting
- selfinvention / self-invention
- selfgovernance / self-governance
- selfrenewal / self-renewal
- selfassigned / self-assigned
- selfguided / self-guided
- selfperfection / self-perfection
- selfdisplay / self-display
- selfenforced / self-enforced
- selfdestructively / self-destructively
- selfamusement / self-amusement
- selfasserting / self-asserting
- selfapproving / self-approving
- selfacknowledged / self-acknowledged
- selfluminous / self-luminous
- selfreproducing / self-reproducing
- selfnegation / self-negation
- selfindulgently / self-indulgently
- selfgiving / self-giving
- selfpolicing / self-policing
- selfidentify / self-identify
- selfneglect / self-neglect
- selfordained / self-ordained
- selftormenting / self-tormenting
- selfdeceptive / self-deceptive
- selfprotecting / self-protecting
- selfes / self-es
- selfassumed / self-assumed
- selfdesignated / self-designated
- selfaffirming / self-affirming
- selfprojection / self-projection
- selfoblivion / self-oblivion
- selfadmitted / self-admitted
- selfand / self-and
- selfconstructed / self-constructed
- selfassuredly / self-assuredly
- selfperpetuation / self-perpetuation
- selfworship / self-worship
- selfrebuke / self-rebuke
- self1sh / self-1sh
- selflaceration / self-laceration
- selfmistrust / self-mistrust
- selfpromoter / self-promoter
- selfpityingly / self-pityingly
found in 20–100 books/volumes
[edit]- selfflagellating / self-flagellating
- selfloving / self-loving
- selfpurification / self-purification
- selfcontentment / self-contentment
- selfderisively / self-derisively
- selfdenunciation / self-denunciation
- selfrepresentations / self-representations
- selfrepairing / self-repairing
- selfimmolating / self-immolating
- selfperceptions / self-perceptions
- selfdepreciating / self-depreciating
- selfinvented / self-invented
- selfconstruction / self-construction
- selflacerating / self-lacerating
- selfreported / self-reported
- selftorturing / self-torturing
- selfabandon / self-abandon
- selfdiagnosis / self-diagnosis
- selfdeceiver / self-deceiver
- selfhonesty / self-honesty
- selflocking / self-locking
- selfavowed / self-avowed
- selfforgiveness / self-forgiveness
- selfinterrogation / self-interrogation
- selfliberation / self-liberation
- selfmoving / self-moving
- selfmaintenance / self-maintenance
- selfderisive / self-derisive
- selfgoverned / self-governed
- selfdenigration / self-denigration
- selfcontented / self-contented
- selfanointed / self-anointed
- selfactualizing / self-actualizing
- selfresponsibility / self-responsibility
- selfmedicating / self-medicating
- selfreport / self-report
- selfin / self-in (sel fin)
- selfperceived / self-perceived
- selfishest / (self-ishest)
- selfdevouring / self-devouring
- selfpowered / self-powered
- selfestrangement / self-estrangement
- selfisolation / self-isolation
- selfinstruction / self-instruction
- selfloading / self-loading
- selfjustifications / self-justifications
- selfdisparagement / self-disparagement
- selfconfrontation / self-confrontation
- selfmotivation / self-motivation
- selfadjusting / self-adjusting
- selfcare / self-care
- selfcastration / self-castration
- selfsubsistent / self-subsistent
- selffe / self-fe
- selfconcealment / self-concealment
- selfextinction / self-extinction
- selfdesigned / self-designed
- selfidentical / self-identical
- selfreproachfully / self-reproachfully
- selfquestionings / self-questionings
- selfinspection / self-inspection
- selfis / self-is
- selfconcerned / self-concerned
- selfbounded / self-bounded
- selfenclosure / self-enclosure
- selfactualized / self-actualized
- selfconfession / self-confession
- selfidentifying / self-identifying
- selfdedication / self-dedication
- selfannihilating / self-annihilating
- selfpreoccupied / self-preoccupied
- selfgratifying / self-gratifying
- selfresponsible / self-responsible
- selfenrichment / self-enrichment
- selfscorn / self-scorn
- selfreinforcing / self-reinforcing
- selfprotectively / self-protectively
- selfanalytical / self-analytical
- selfimprisonment / self-imprisonment
- selfreflexiveness / self-reflexiveness
- selfobliteration / self-obliteration
- selfimproving / self-improving
- selfapplause / self-applause
- selfprescribed / self-prescribed
- selfpoised / self-poised
- selfsteering / self-steering
- selfpresence / self-presence
- selfrespectin / self-respectin
- selfcensure / self-censure
- selfsurvival / self-survival
- selffinancing / self-financing
- selfnegating / self-negating
- selfdefinitions / self-definitions
- selfaccusatory / self-accusatory
- selfproduced / self-produced
- selfreplication / self-replication
- selfformation / self-formation
- selfenlightenment / self-enlightenment
- selfcatering / self-catering
- selfmaking / self-making
- selforiented / self-oriented
- selfanger / self-anger
- selfabhorrence / self-abhorrence
- selfmonitoring / self-monitoring
- selfstimulation / self-stimulation
- selfcertainty / self-certainty
- selfadulation / self-adulation
- selfdelight / self-delight
- selflimitation / self-limitation
- selfexpressive / self-expressive
- selfinflated / self-inflated
- selfdefeat / self-defeat
- selfnamed / self-named
- selfdivided / self-divided
- selfheating / self-heating
- selfcomplacence / self-complacence
- selfhypnotism / self-hypnotism
- selfaccused / self-accused
- selfexaminations / self-examinations
- selfpleasuring / self-pleasuring
- selfadministration / self-administration
- selfrenouncing / self-renouncing
- selfdistrustful / self-distrustful
- selfbanishment / self-banishment
- selfparodying / self-parodying
- selfdissatisfaction / self-dissatisfaction
- selfpublish / self-publish
- selfadoration / self-adoration
- selfconcentration / self-concentration
- selfadmiring / self-admiring
- selfpreservative / self-preservative
- selfportrayal / self-portrayal
- selfdislike / self-dislike
- selfcreating / self-creating
- selftraining / self-training
- selfridicule / self-ridicule
- selfcongratulating / self-congratulating
- selfpropagating / self-propagating
- selfrevelatory / self-revelatory
- selfglorifying / self-glorifying
- selfrepair / self-repair
- selfa / self-a
- selfprogramming / self-programming
- selfcharacterization / self-characterization
- selfmutilating / self-mutilating
- selfadornment / self-adornment
- selfpersuasion / self-persuasion
- selfinflating / self-inflating
- selfreflexively / self-reflexively
- selfestimation / self-estimation
- selfcritique / self-critique
- selfdenigrating / self-denigrating
- selfupbraidings / self-upbraidings
- selflaudation / self-laudation
- selfinitiated / self-initiated
- selfenjoyment / self-enjoyment
- selfinvestigation / self-investigation
- selflaudatory / self-laudatory
- selfdeceivers / self-deceivers
- selfas / self-as
- selfamused / self-amused
- selfclosing / self-closing
- selfbetraying / self-betraying
- selftrained / self-trained
- selfrejection / self-rejection
- selfexcusing / self-excusing
- selfblinding / self-blinding
- selfdramatisation / self-dramatisation
- selfexculpation / self-exculpation
- selfvalidation / self-validation
- selfsacrificingly / self-sacrificingly
- selfcontrolling / self-controlling
- selfbestowed / self-bestowed
- selfcritically / self-critically
- selfjudgement / self-judgement
- selfc / self-c
- selfdisgustedly / self-disgustedly
- selfstarvation / self-starvation
- selfindictment / self-indictment
- selfexcuse / self-excuse
- self1shness / self-1shness
- selfimpressed / self-impressed
- selfexplanation / self-explanation
- selfexamining / self-examining
- selfredemption / self-redemption
- selfexperience / self-experience
- selfreferring / self-referring
- selfdemeaning / self-demeaning
- selfmaintaining / self-maintaining
- selfiessly / self-iessly
- selfconcepts / self-concepts
- selfprotectiveness / self-protectiveness
- selfenhancement / self-enhancement
- selfdisgusted / self-disgusted
- selfinterpretation / self-interpretation
- selfcriticisms / self-criticisms
- selfrecovery / self-recovery
- selfcovered / self-covered
- selfadmonition / self-admonition
- selfdebasement / self-debasement
- selfflattering / self-flattering
- selfsuggestion / self-suggestion
- selfconsolation / self-consolation
- selfconcentrated / self-concentrated
- selftranscending / self-transcending
- selfoffering / self-offering
- selftinted / self-tinted
- selfignorance / self-ignorance
- selfestimate / self-estimate
- selfexisting / self-existing
- selfjustified / self-justified
- selfrelying / self-relying
- selfdespair / self-despair
- selfcanceling / self-canceling
- selfcommunings / self-communings
- selfadmonishment / self-admonishment
- selfislmess / self-islmess
- selftrust / self-trust
- selffocused / self-focused
- selfdetachment / self-detachment
- selfsatire / self-satire
- selfcondemnatory / self-condemnatory
- selfpenned / self-penned
- selfaccepting / self-accepting
- selfconsumed / self-consumed
- selfdelusional / self-delusional
- selfcompassion / self-compassion
- selfencouragement / self-encouragement
- selfcollected / self-collected
- selfsupported / self-supported
- selfdelighting / self-delighting
- selfobject / self-object
- selfownership / self-ownership
- selfunderstandings / self-understandings
- selfdesignation / self-designation
- selfconceptions / self-conceptions
- selftimer / self-timer
- selfreflecting / self-reflecting
- selfcelebration / self-celebration
- selfdrive / self-drive
- selfcancelling / self-cancelling
- selfoperating / self-operating
- selfpublicist / self-publicist
- selfstick / self-stick
- selfabandoned / self-abandoned
- selffulfilled / self-fulfilled
- selfto / self-to
- selfsurveillance / self-surveillance
- selfwounding / self-wounding
- selfpleased / self-pleased
- selfsought / self-sought
- selfselecting / self-selecting
- selfdespising / self-despising
- selfreproof / self-reproof
- selfrestraining / self-restraining
- selfimprisoned / self-imprisoned
- selfbalanced / self-balanced
- selfblinded / self-blinded
- selfovercoming / self-overcoming
- selftherapy / self-therapy
- selfidentities / self-identities
- selfcompelled / self-compelled
- selfgiven / self-given
- selfsufficiently / self-sufficiently
- selfpoise / self-poise
- selfdisparaging / self-disparaging
- selfdoomed / self-doomed
- selfinsured / self-insured
- selfgeneration / self-generation
- selfemancipation / self-emancipation
- selfbetterment / self-betterment
- selfcommendation / self-commendation
- selfcommittal / self-committal
- selfdescriptions / self-descriptions
- selfelevation / self-elevation
- selfj / self-j
- selfcoloured / self-coloured
- selfexcluding / self-excluding
- selfcheck / self-check
- selfplaying / self-playing
- selfborn / self-born
- selfoccupied / self-occupied
- selfcombust / self-combust
- selfadminister / self-administer
- selfintoxication / self-intoxication
- selfdestroyed / self-destroyed
- selfexpansion / self-expansion
- selfweighing / self-weighing
- selfunderstood / self-understood
- selfillumination / self-illumination
- selfmortifying / self-mortifying
- selfdignity / self-dignity
- selfdenyingly / self-denyingly
- selfesame / self-esame
- selftormentor / self-tormentor
- selflimited / self-limited
- selfdiscoveries / self-discoveries
- selfconstraint / self-constraint
- selfreproaching / self-reproaching
- selfhypnotized / self-hypnotized
- selfbegotten / self-begotten
- selfmartyrdom / self-martyrdom
- selfbetrayals / self-betrayals
- selftortured / self-tortured
- selfrespectful / self-respectful
- selfguidance / self-guidance
- selfcomplete / self-complete
- selfcontemplative / self-contemplative
- selfalienated / self-alienated
- selfsoothing / self-soothing
- selfrepressed / self-repressed
- selfadaptation / self-adaptation
- selfcrucifixion / self-crucifixion
- selfformed / self-formed
- selfbetrayed / self-betrayed
- selfacquired / self-acquired
- selfdeveloping / self-developing
- selfupbraiding / self-upbraiding
- selfeducating / self-educating
- selfdelighted / self-delighted
- selfengendered / self-engendered
- selfbanished / self-banished
- selfreproving / self-reproving
- selfglory / self-glory
- selfdepreciatory / self-depreciatory
- selfdisdain / self-disdain
- selfembittered / self-embittered
- selft / self-t
- selfisolated / self-isolated
- selfdevoting / self-devoting
- selfexertion / self-exertion
- selfcontemptuous / self-contemptuous
- selfsympathy / self-sympathy
- selfobliterating / self-obliterating
- selfscourging / self-scourging
- selfrevealed / self-revealed
- selfabstraction / self-abstraction
- selfhelpful / self-helpful
- selfreverence / self-reverence