My work on Wikiontary is primarily concerned with working with Gothic and its overlooked and underappreciated sibling, Vandalic. I am currently working with a group to reconstruct as much of the Vandalic language as is possible.
My Resources for the reconstruction are as follows:
Onesti, Nicoletta, Tracing the Language of the Vandals
Shackleton Bailey, D.R., Anthologia Latina, I, 1. Libri Salmasiani aliorumque carmina, a cura
Onesti, Nicoletta, Latin-Germanic Hybrid Names from Vandal Africa and related Problems, in: Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Onomastic Sciences
Wrede, Ferdinand, Über die Sprache der Wandalen
Onesti, Nicoletta, The Language and names of the Vandals
Snædal, Magnús, The "Vandal" Epigram
Adams, J.N. The Regional Diversification of Latin
Lewicki, Tadeusz, Une langue romane oubliée de l'Afrique du Nord. Observations d'un arabisant
Wright, Joseph, Grammar of the Gothic Language
Fanciullo, Franco, Un capitolo della Romania submersa: il latino africano
Lehmann, Winfred, A Grammar of Proto-Germanic
Kroonen, Guus, Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Germanic