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User:Oh! Tea

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  • (/. Chaozhou hiou5, Shantou hiao5, Puning hiaon5): peculiar; bizzare; strange; unusual. e.g. "做呢向hiaon5,毋捌睇過粒卵內底兩粒卵仁個。(that's cool, I've never seen a double-yolked egg before)/伊做呢行來無睏囝哩走去,過hiaon5。(why did he come just to leave instantly, so random...) (just a vibe, not really translations)
  • 焦kaoh4 (焦? like when you overcook something that it dries and sticks to the pan so you need to scape it off? idk): (of food) dry; lacking moisture. e.g. 只塊蘇打餅過焦kaoh4。(these saltines are so dry)
  • ?: (of bodies of water) clear. e.g. 游泳池水會zing1。(the pool's got clear water!!!) means more like soup with little seasonings added that kinda vibe to me, maybe not interchangeable for me but idk if i'd catch that if someone said it.