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IDAM: Acronym for an Integrated Damage Assessment Model. An IDAM provides documented and verifiable on-site damage assessment estimates (after a hurricane, tornado, floods, or other natural disaster) by consolidating property characteristic information from tax assessor databases, photos and GIS maps into a common, reportable format allowing easy dissemination to state and federal agencies (FEMA, SBA). The model provides a permanent detailed record at the individual property level. Reports are designed to comply with FEMA reporting requirements. Use of an IDAM has significant potential for saving or redistributing emergency response dollars directly to damaged properties regarding both IA (Indiviual Assistance) and PA (Public Assistances) categories of damage. The term was coined in the articles referenced below. Copies of the Volusia County IDAM (development site) have, todate, been requested from and sent to jurisdictions in 35 states, along with professional-level documentation at no charge.



"The Assessor as an Intgral Partner in Disaster Planning, Response and Recovery: 1. Overview of the Damage Assessment Process," Fair & Equitable, monthly magazine of the International Association of Assessing Officers, December, 2006, Volumn X, Number Y, 314 W 10th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64105-1616. http://iaao.org

"The Assessor as an Intgral Partner in Disaster Planning, Response and Recovery: 2. Demonstration of an Integrated Damage Assessment Model," Fair & Equitable, monthly magazine of the International Association of Assessing Officers, December, 2006, Volumn X, Number Y, 314 W 10th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64105-1616. http://iaao.org

Potential cost savings in millions from potential statewide usage of the model was recognized with the awarded of a 2008 Florida Davis Productivity Award. See http://www.floridataxwatch.org/resources/pdf/2008NominationsAnnouncementforWeb.pdf, page 4.