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Originally a [[patronymic]] from {{suffix||sen|lang=da}}.

===Proper noun===
{{infl|da|proper noun}}

# {{surname|from=patronymics|lang=da}}



Originally a [[patronymic]] from {{suffix||sen|lang=no}}.

===Proper noun===
{{no-proper noun}}

# {{surname|from=patronymics|lang=no}} 


* [http://www.danskernesnavne.navneforskning.ku.dk/ ] Danskernes Navne, based on CPR data:  males with the given name  have been registered in Denmark between about 1890 (=the population alive in 1967) and January 2005, with the frequency peak in the . Accessed on 19 June 2011.

* Kristoffer Kruken - Ola Stemshaug: Norsk personnamnleksikon, Det Norske Samlaget, Oslo 1995, ISBN 82-521-4483-7
* [http://www.ssb.no/navn/ ] Statistisk sentralbyrå, Namnestatistikk:  males with the given name  living in Norway on January 1st 2011, with the frequency peak in the . Accessed on 19 May, 2011.

* Roland Otterbjörk: Svenska förnamn, Almqvist & Wiksell 1996, ISBN 91-21-10937-0
* [http://www.scb.se/Pages/NameSearch____259432.aspx] Statistiska centralbyrån and Sture Allén, Staffan Wåhlin, ''Förnamnsboken'', Norstedts 1995, ISBN 9119551622:  males with the given name  living in Sweden on December 31st, 2010, with the frequency peak in the . Accessed on 19 June 2011.

* [http://www.meilleursprenoms.com/] MeilleursPrénoms, based on INSEE data: males named in France in 1900 - 2009. Accessed on March 29th, 2011. 


First recorded as a given name of Latvians in . From {{etyl||lv}} {{term||lang=}}. Cognate to German [[]] and  English [[]].

===Proper noun===
{{infl|lv|proper noun|g=f}}

# {{given name|female|lang=lv}}.

====Related terms====
* {{l|lv|}}

* Klāvs Siliņš: Latviešu personvārdu vārdnīca. Riga "Zinātne" 1990, ISBN 5-7966-0278-0
* [http://www.pmlp.gov.lv/lv/statistika/personvardu.html] Population Register of Latvia:  was the only given name of  persons in Latvia on May 21st 2010.