- ᚐᚂᚂ ᚆᚒᚋᚐᚅ ᚁᚓᚔᚅᚌᚄ ᚐᚏᚓ ᚁᚑᚏᚅ ᚃᚏᚓᚓ ᚐᚅᚇ ᚓᚊᚒᚐᚂ ᚔᚅ ᚇᚔᚌᚅᚔᚈᚔ ᚐᚅᚇ ᚏᚔᚌᚆᚈᚄᚈᚆᚓᚔ ᚐᚏᚓ ᚅᚇᚑᚒᚒᚓᚇ ᚒᚒᚔᚈᚆ ᚏᚓᚐᚄᚑᚅ ᚐᚅᚇ ᚉᚑᚅᚄᚉᚔᚓᚅᚉᚓ ᚐᚅᚇ ᚄᚆᚑᚒᚂᚇ ᚐᚉᚈ ᚈᚑᚒᚒᚐᚏᚇᚄ ᚑᚅᚓ ᚐᚅᚑᚈᚆᚓᚏ ᚔᚅ ᚐ ᚄᚚᚔᚏᚔᚈ ᚑᚃ ᚁᚏᚑᚈᚆᚓᚏᚆᚑᚑᚇ (all human beings are born vree and equal in digniti and rightsthei are ndouued uuith reason and conscience and should act touuards one another in a spirit ov brotherhood)
- ᚛ᚁᚔᚃᚐᚔᚇᚑᚅᚐᚄᚋᚐᚊᚔᚋᚒᚉᚑᚔ᚜ ᚛ᚉᚒᚅᚐᚃᚐᚂᚔ᚜ (bivaidonasmaqimucoi cunavali)
- ᚛ᚂᚓᚌᚌ[--]ᚄᚇ[--]ᚂᚓᚌᚓᚄᚉᚐᚇ᚜ ᚛ᚋᚐᚊ ᚉᚑᚏᚏᚁᚏᚔ ᚋᚐᚊ ᚐᚋᚋᚂᚂᚑᚌᚔᚈᚈ᚜ (legg[--]sd[--]legescad maq corrbri maq ammllogitt)