I've taken the liberty to manually clean and sort the list:
- I've removed technical headings from CJKV pages.
- Synonymous headings go under the heading with the most numbers.
- Erroneus headings such as "noun" are marked with an asterisk *
It's not finished due to internet cafe expensivenes -- feel free to help. — Hippietrail 17:33, 24 December 2005 (UTC)
[edit]46774 words in English 755 words in {{en}} 85 words in {{En}} *2 words in Scottish English *1 words in British English *1 words in Australian English *1 words in English (US) *1 words in English Slang (Regional) *1 words in English / Irish *1 words in English (Even if it is American) *1 words in English (at a pinch) *1 words in English? *1 words in '''English''' *1 words in Hiberno-English *1 words in Hiberno English 20640 words in Chinese Hanzi 5 words in Cantonese 3 words in Chinese hanzi 12842 words in Japanese Kanji 497 words in Japanese kanji 8733 words in Korean Hanja 4 words in Korean hanja 3254 words in Italian 5 words in w:Italian language|Italian *1 words in Italiano *1 words in Italiana 3206 words in Spanish 460 words in Spanish (Castilian) 7 words in {{es}} 2922 words in French 160 words in {{fr}} 1 words in Français 1 words in French expression 2860 words in German 21 words in {{de}} 2300 words in Japanese 2 words in {{ja}} 1973 words in Latin 1 words in New Latin 1838 words in Serbian 1760 words in Icelandic 1 words in Íslenska 1757 words in Swedish 2 words in w:Swedish language|Swedish 1586 words in Finnish 1269 words in Russian 1120 words in Dutch 3 words in Dutch (Flemish) 1 words in {{nl}} 1 words in Nederlands 1015 words in Norwegian 3 words in w:Norwegian language|Norwegian 3 words in Norweigan 3 words in Norwegian (Nynorsk) 2 words in Norwgian 1 words in Norwegian (Bokmål) 969 words in Esperanto 897 words in Bosnian 585 words in Old English 30 words in Anglo-Saxon 3 words in w:Old English language|Old Englishcategory:Words of Old English language origin 582 words in Chinese 3 words in Simplified Chinese 1 words in Mandarin 567 words in Volapük 516 words in Translingual 449 words in Portuguese 440 words in Slovak 355 words in Irish 5 words in Irish Gaelic 341 words in Polish 15 words in {{pl}} 329 words in Ido 278 words in Czech 268 words in Danish 265 words in Indonesian 252 words in Hebrew 2 words in w:Hebrew language|Hebrew 236 words in Greek 17 words in Modern Greek 2 words in Greek (Modern) 2 words in Greek (modern) 235 words in Romanian 222 words in Hungarian 204 words in Korean 199 words in Welsh 4 words in w:Welsh language|Welsh 2 words in {{cy}} 172 words in Vietnamese Quốc ngữ 170 words in Arabic 165 words in Turkish 158 words in Interlingua 151 words in Vietnamese 141 words in Lojban 139 words in Hindi 130 words in Neapolitan 114 words in Estonian 109 words in Tok Pisin 105 words in Inuktitut 101 words in Filipino 96 words in Bulgarian 81 words in w:Chickasaw|Chickasaw 38 words in Chickasaw 79 words in Catalan 78 words in Albanian 76 words in Rohingya 74 words in Letter 43 words in Cyrillic alphabet 24 words in Symbol 1 words in Arabic numeral 1 words in Arabic alphabet 72 words in Sanskrit 69 words in Croatian 63 words in Malay *59 words in noun 50 words in Novial *45 words in Noun 44 words in Japanese Furigana 30 words in Japanese Hiragana 5 words in Japanese hiragana 4 words in Japanese Katakana 44 words in Betawi 43 words in Balinese 42 words in Breton 41 words in Yiddish 39 words in Thai 39 words in Ojibwe 38 words in Tamil 37 words in Northern Sami 36 words in Basque 34 words in Kurdish 34 words in Ewe 33 words in Japanese Romaji 33 words in Hawaiian 33 words in Alabama 31 words in Urdu 31 words in Frisian 30 words in Afrikaans 29 words in Brithenig *28 words in Translations 28 words in Gamilaraay 28 words in Ancient Greek 4 words in Greek, Ancient 27 words in Latvian *27 words in External links 26 words in Slovene 20 words in Slovenian 26 words in Maori 26 words in Manx 24 words in Quenya 23 words in Ukrainian 22 words in {{tmr}} 22 words in Persian 5 words in Farsi *22 words in adjective 19 words in Macedonian 19 words in Chinese Pinyin 18 words in Related words 18 words in Mongolian 18 words in Japanese romaji 18 words in Ga 17 words in Tagalog *17 words in Adjective *16 words in Verb 16 words in Lithuanian 16 words in Belarusian 15 words in Scots 15 words in Pitjantjatjara 14 words in Nahuatl 14 words in Karelian 14 words in Georgian 14 words in Fijian 13 words in Middle English 12 words in Warlpiri *12 words in verb 12 words in Seri 12 words in Galician 1 words in Gallegan 1 words in Galego 12 words in Aragonese 12 words in Amuzgo 11 words in Slovio 11 words in Patois *11 words in Latin word 10 words in Veps 10 words in Tuvaluan *10 words in Pronunciation 10 words in Pali 10 words in Occitan 9 words in Tupinambá 9 words in Tibetan 9 words in Swahili 3 words in KiSwahili 2 words in w:Swahili language|Swahili 9 words in Skolt Sami *9 words in Related terms *9 words in Etymology 9 words in Bambara *9 words in Also see 8 words in Tongan 8 words in Luxembourgish 8 words in Low Saxon 8 words in Gujarati 8 words in Faroese 8 words in Faeroese 8 words in Cheyenne *8 words in Abbreviation 7 words in w:Limburgish language|Limburgish 7 words in Toki Pona 7 words in Scottish Gaelic *7 words in Meaning(s) *7 words in Meaning 7 words in Hebrew: *7 words in Forms *6 words in References 6 words in O'odham 6 words in Old Norse 6 words in Nauruan 6 words in Khmer 6 words in Kapingamarangi *6 words in External link *6 words in English Leet 6 words in Bislama 6 words in {{ay}} 5 words in Zulu 5 words in Ugaritic *5 words in Related Terms 5 words in Old French 5 words in Maltese 5 words in Cornish 5 words in Chamorro 4 words in Votian 4 words in Vietnamese Quoc ngu 4 words in Verdurian 4 words in Tetum *4 words in Synonym 4 words in Sicilian 4 words in Saanich 4 words in Rarotongan *4 words in Proper noun *4 words in Pinyin romanization 4 words in Norse, Old 4 words in Nepali 4 words in Marshallese 4 words in Marathi *4 words in Latin and English 4 words in Gilbertese *4 words in External Links 4 words in Cherokee 4 words in Armenian 3 words in Tupi *3 words in Transitive verb 3 words in Telugu *3 words in Synonyms 3 words in Sindarin 3 words in Sardinian 3 words in Old Japanese *3 words in Noun Phrase *3 words in Meaning: 3 words in Malayalam 3 words in Luganda 3 words in Latin expression 3 words in Lao 3 words in Kashubian 3 words in Kannada 3 words in Ismaîn *3 words in interjection *3 words in Headline text 3 words in Guarani *3 words in Further Reading 3 words in Fula *3 words in English and Japanese Romaji *3 words in Definition 3 words in Chuvash 3 words in Bengali 3 words in Barakhinei *3 words in Alternative spellings *3 words in Adverb *3 words in abbreviation 2 words in Westron 2 words in w:Breton language|Breton 2 words in Tuamotuan 2 words in Torres Strait Creole 2 words in Tokelauan 2 words in Sundanese *2 words in Spanish noun, ''f'' *2 words in See also: 2 words in Scots Gaelic 2 words in Scientific name 2 words in Samoan 2 words in Romany 2 words in Roman alphabet 2 words in Romaji *2 words in Related Words 2 words in Quechua 2 words in Punjabi *2 words in Proper Noun *2 words in preposition 2 words in Norse, Old (West dialect) 2 words in Norse, Old (East dialect) 2 words in Ndonga 2 words in Navajo 2 words in Mangarevan 2 words in Malaysian 2 words in Lower Sorbian 2 words in Latin words 2 words in {{lat}} 2 words in Kwanyama 2 words in {{ku}} 2 words in Karelia 2 words in Kaitij 2 words in Jamaican Patois 2 words in Igbo *2 words in History 2 words in Hebrew script 2 words in Guaraní 2 words in Gothic 2 words in Gallo *2 words in Examples *2 words in Etymology 2 *2 words in Etymology 1 2 words in English and French *2 words in Derived terms 2 words in Classical Nahuatl 2 words in CJK character 2 words in Chinese pinyin 2 words in Chinese Hanzi 2 words in Celtic 2 words in Bristolian 2 words in Biblical Hebrew 2 words in Arabic: *2 words in adverb *2 words in Adjective phrase 1 words in Zulgo 1 words in Yucatec 1 words in Yoruba 1 words in w:Serbian language|Serbian 1 words in w:Russian language|Russian *1 words in Word History 1 words in Wolof 1 words in w:Mycenaean language|Mycenaean 1 words in w:Luxembourgish language|Luxembourgish *1 words in Winamp *1 words in Wikipedia articles 1 words in w:Guugu Yimidhirr language|Guugu Yimidhirr 1 words in w:French language|French 1 words in w:Font|Font *1 words in Welcome 1 words in w:Chinese language|Chinese 1 words in w:Catalan language|Catalan 1 words in Warrgamay 1 words in w:Aramaic language|Jewish Middle Aramaic (Talmudic Aramaic) 1 words in Walloon 1 words in Vulgar Latin 1 words in Vizard 1 words in Vietnamese w:Chữ Nho|Chữ Nho 1 words in Vietnamese <!--nguo hoc--> 1 words in Vietnamese Han Tu 1 words in Vietnamese Chữ Hán *1 words in Verb Phrase *1 words in verb by cause or means *1 words in verb by animate agent *1 words in verbal phrase 1 words in Vaduz 1 words in Véase 1 words in Uzbek *1 words in Use in Religion *1 words in Useage *1 words in Usage Notes *1 words in Usage Note *1 words in Usage 1 words in Upper Sorbian 1 words in Unknown language 1 words in Tuvan 1 words in Tswana/SeTswana *1 words in Translation *1 words in Transitive Verb 1 words in Traditional Chinese 1 words in Tokipona 1 words in Telerin 1 words in Technical information 1 words in Tatar 1 words in Tamil<!--or possibly Malay?--> 1 words in Tahitian 1 words in Tagalog, Filipino 1 words in Table 1 words in Têtard 1 words in Switzerland 1 words in Swazi 1 words in States of Austria 1 words in SSPX 1 words in Spanish words 1 words in Spanish/Portuguese *1 words in Spanish noun, ''m'' *1 words in Spanish noun 1 words in Spanish and Portuguese *1 words in Sources 1 words in Sonsorolese *1 words in Some time before the given time 1 words in Somali 1 words in Solresol 1 words in Slovenščina *1 words in Slovak and Czech 1 words in Sinhala *1 words in Singlish *1 words in Similar Words *1 words in Similar Terms 1 words in Semper Fi *1 words in see also 1 words in Scottish *1 words in Scandinavian 1 words in Sanksrit 1 words in Samhain *1 words in קשרים בין שפות *1 words in Russian (Romanized) 1 words in Russian Alphabet 1 words in Roxhai 1 words in Rotuman 1 words in Rotokas 1 words in Romansch *1 words in Romanised Greek 1 words in Románico 1 words in Robophobic *1 words in Related term *1 words in Related Sites *1 words in Related Links *1 words in Related Articles *1 words in Readme / お知らせ: 1 words in Pseudo-Latin 1 words in Provençal 1 words in Proto-Germanic *1 words in proper noun *1 words in progression by amount *1 words in Preposition 1 words in Portugusese *1 words in Portuguese/Spanish *1 words in Portuguese and Galician 1 words in Polynesian *1 words in Polish And Russian *1 words in plusieurs *1 words in plural noun *1 words in Place names in Austria 1 words in Pitcairnese 1 words in Pinyin 1 words in Piemontese *1 words in Phrase 1 words in Phonetic Greeklish 1 words in Philipino *1 words in Personal pronoun 1 words in pepta 1 words in Palauan 1 words in Ouchish *1 words in Other Uses *1 words in Other Consequences *1 words in Orthographic Greeklish 1 words in Orgbot 1 words in Old Swedish 1 words in Old Sindarin 1 words in Old Norse (East dialect) 1 words in Old High German 1 words in Ogham *1 words in noun phrase *1 words in Noun, m *1 words in Notes and References *1 words in Notes 1 words in North Sami 1 words in Norse 1 words in Niuean 1 words in Nigerian Pidgin 1 words in Nigerian 1 words in Ngaanyatjara 1 words in Nepalese 1 words in Nahautl 1 words in Myanmar *1 words in Multilingual links 1 words in Motu *1 words in Modern Greek transliteration 1 words in Middle Scots 1 words in Middle High German, Old High German 1 words in Middle French *1 words in Meta Usage 1 words in Meryam Mir 1 words in Mergers 1 words in Medieval Latin 1 words in Mbabaram 1 words in Many languages 1 words in Malayam 1 words in Makua 1 words in Major Cities 1 words in Lower Saxon 1 words in Livonian *1 words in Links 1 words in Lingua Ignota 1 words in Lingala 1 words in Ligurian 1 words in {{li}} 1 words in Latino sine Flexione 1 words in Kurdistan 1 words in Korean (romanized) 1 words in Korean Hanja 1 words in Klingon 1 words in Kirwanda 1 words in Kildin Sami 1 words in Kazakh 1 words in Kashmiri 1 words in Kanji-like character 1 words in kanji 1 words in Judeo-Spanish (Ladino) 1 words in Javanese 1 words in Jèrriais 1 words in Japanese Verb 1 words in Japanese Romanji 1 words in Japanese (romanized) 1 words in Japanese katakana 1 words in Japanese Kanji (国字) 1 words in Japanese furigana 1 words in Irish Language 1 words in irish *1 words in Intransitive verb *1 words in Interwikimedia links *1 words in Internal links *1 words in Intake valve *1 words in {{Initialism}} 1 words in Inezeño Chumash 1 words in Indian *1 words in In-book Usage 1 words in Inari Sami 1 words in Idumea 1 words in Ida'an 1 words in Ibu 1 words in Homotendant *1 words in Hindi & Persian 1 words in Hausa 1 words in Greenlandic 1 words in Greek transliteration 1 words in Greek root 1 words in Greek, Modern 1 words in Greeklish 1 words in Greek (ancient) 1 words in Greek alphabet *1 words in Grammatical person *1 words in Grammar 1 words in {{got}} *1 words in From Early Celtic 1 words in Friulian *1 words in French Translation *1 words in French, Latin *1 words in Filipino and English 1 words in Fijian (:fj:dua|Vosa Vaka Viti) 1 words in {{fi}} *1 words in External Resources *1 words in External Links and Resources *1 words in External Link *1 words in Expanded Definition *1 words in Exhaust valve *1 words in Examples of ironic cool 1 words in {{et}} *1 words in English and Latin *1 words in English and Irish 1 words in Ekspreso 1 words in Egyptian 1 words in Ebonics *1 words in Dutch, Italian, Latin, Spanish 1 words in Doric 1 words in Ditch *1 words in District of Yverdon *1 words in District of Vevey *1 words in District of the Pays d'Enhaut *1 words in District of Rolle *1 words in District of Payerne *1 words in District of Oron *1 words in District of Orbe *1 words in District of Nyon *1 words in District of Moudon *1 words in District of Morges *1 words in District of Lavaux *1 words in District of La Vallée *1 words in District of Lausanne *1 words in District of Grandson *1 words in District of Echallens *1 words in District of Cossonay *1 words in District of Avenches *1 words in District of Aubonne *1 words in District of Aigle *1 words in Devanagri (Hindi) *1 words in Devanagari alphabet *1 words in Devanagari *1 words in Derived Expressions *1 words in Deontic Logic *1 words in Definitions *1 words in Cyrilic 1 words in Corsican *1 words in Conjugation *1 words in Compound Verb *1 words in Colloquial Use in Popular Culture *1 words in Claudia 1 words in {{cic}} 1 words in Chumash (Inezeño) 1 words in Chinook Jargon 1 words in Chinese Putonghua 1 words in {{br}} 1 words in Black Speech of Mordor *1 words in Big Sorted List of Irregulars 1 words in Bern(e) canton 1 words in Baagandji 1 words in Azeri 1 words in Azerbaijani 1 words in Aymara 1 words in Asturian *1 words in Artifact by creator 1 words in Arrente 1 words in Aramaic *1 words in Arabic expression *1 words in Antonym 1 words in Amharic *1 words in Alternative spelling *1 words in Alternative forms 1 words in Akkadian 1 words in Ainu *1 words in Age by decade definition 1 words in Afar 1 words in Aari 1 words in Aargau canton