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User:JeffDoozan/lists/translations/by error/target is form

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20 items
brachyuran:Adjective:of or pertaining to crabs
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[perteneciente]] a los [[braquiuro|braquiuros]]}} (['braquiuros]]']))
dairy:Adjective:on food labelling, containing fats only from dairy sources
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|con [[grasa]] [[lácteo|láctea]]}} (['láctea]]']))
deaf:Adjective:unable to hear, used as a substantive: deaf people considered as a group
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|sordos|m-p}}, {{t+|es|sordas|f-p}} (['f-p', 'm-p']))
fashionable:Adjective:characteristic of or influenced by a current popular trend or style
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|a la moda}}, {{t+|es|de moda}}, {{t|es|en voga|}}, {{t|es|estar ''fashion''|}} {{qualifier|''estar fashon''|Mexico}} (['']))
free of charge:Adjective:not requiring any payment - adjective
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|gratis}}, {{t+|es|gratuito}}, {{t|es|[[cargo|sin cargo]]}}, {{t+|es|bonificado}} (['sin cargo]]']))
level:Adjective:being sensible
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|nivel}}, {{t+|es|niveles|m-p}} (['m-p']))
light-fingered:Adjective:given to stealing, pickpocketing, thievery, shoplifting
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|dedos largos|p|m-p}}, {{t+|es|amigo de lo ajeno}} (['m-p', 'p']))
miscellaneous:Adjective:consisting of a variety of ingredients or parts
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|varios|p}}, {{t+|es|misceláneo}} (['p']))
negro:Adjective:offensive: relating to the black ethnicity
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|negrata|c}} {{qualifier|derogatory}} (['c']))
packed like sardines:Adjective:densely packed
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|apretados como sardinas|m-p}}, {{t|es|apretadas como sardinas|f-p}}, {{t|es|como sardinas en lata}} (['f-p', 'm-p']))
poles apart:Adjective:totally opposite
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|polos opuestos|m-p}} (['m-p']))
recursive:Adjective:mathematics: of an expression, in which each term is determined by applying a formula to preceding terms
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|iterativo}}, {{t+|es|recurrente|}} (['']))
short-lived:Adjective:not existing for long
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|efímero}}, {{t|es|de [[corto|corta]] [[duración]]}} (['corta]] [[duración]]']))
sleeveless:Adjective:of a garment, having no sleeves
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[sin]] [[manga|mangas]]}} (['mangas]]']))
small:Adjective:minuscule or lowercase, referring to written letters
Spanish: * Spanish: {{tt+|es|minúsculas|p}} (['p']))
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|que prontamente será|s}}, {{t|es|pronto a ser}} (['s']))
tradable:Adjective:capable of being traded
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|intercambiable|n}} (['n']))
unassuming:Adjective:modest with no pretensions or ostentation
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t+|es|sencillo}}, {{t+|es|modesto}}, {{t|es|[[sin]] [[pretensión|pretensiones]]}}, {{t|es|non asumiente}} (['pretensiones]]']))
up to something:Adjective:doing something mischievous or scheming
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[tramar|tramar algo]]}} (['tramar algo]]']))
worth:Adjective:deserving of
Spanish: * Spanish: {{t|es|[[que]] [[valer la pena|vale la pena]]}} (['vale la pena]]']))