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aesaes” in L&S, etc.
ambagesambages” in L&S, etc.long; fixed
amesames” in L&S, etc.
antistesantistes” in L&S, etc.short
cacoethescacoethes” in L&S, etc.short
caespescaespes” in L&S, etc.short
canescanes” in L&S, etc.
cespescespes” in L&S, etc.
cladesclades” in L&S, etc.long
coherescoheres” in L&S, etc.long
comescomes” in L&S, etc.short
compagescompages” in L&S, etc.long
cynoidescynoides” in L&S, etc.epsilon
dagnadesdagnades” in L&S, etc.
divesdives” in L&S, etc.
equeseques” in L&S, etc.short
erysithaleserysithales” in L&S, etc.
fetialesfetiales” in L&S, etc.
fomesfomes” in L&S, etc.
gurgesgurges” in L&S, etc.
hospeshospes” in L&S, etc.
interpresinterpres” in L&S, etc.short
lebeslebes” in L&S, etc.long
limeslimes” in L&S, etc.short
martesmartes” in L&S, etc.
megistanesmegistanes” in L&S, etc.epsilon
milesmiles” in L&S, etc.short
obsesobses” in L&S, etc.
palmespalmes” in L&S, etc.short
pedespedes” in L&S, etc.
polygonoidespolygonoides” in L&S, etc.eta
poplespoples” in L&S, etc.short
praespraes” in L&S, etc.diphthong
praesespraeses” in L&S, etc.short
pubespubes” in L&S, etc.long
satellessatelles” in L&S, etc.short
scinifesscinifes” in L&S, etc.epsilon
segesseges” in L&S, etc.short
sordessordes” in L&S, etc.long
stipesstipes” in L&S, etc.short
stragesstrages” in L&S, etc.long
sufessufes” in L&S, etc.maybe long?
superstessuperstes” in L&S, etc.short
tabestabes” in L&S, etc.long
termestermes” in L&S, etc.short
tramestrames” in L&S, etc.short
velesveles” in L&S, etc.short
zantheneszanthenes” in L&S, etc.