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User:Ish ishwar

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I'm a cognitive scientist/linguist/phonetician/phonologist/speech perception psychologist.

On wiktionary, i added all the Taos language entries here over a decade ago. (At the time, I was just sifting through the lexicon to see there was any loanword borrowing from Taos into Apachean languages. It was unlikely since Apachean speakers have rarely borrowed words from other languages, & I didn't see any in my cursory glance.)

I could add lots of stuff from Apachean languages since I have all published dictionaries and many texts of these languages as well as unpublished fieldnotes from early linguists (that is, Harry Hoijer, William Bittle, etc.). Many years ago, I compiled a noun list for the Chiricahua Apache tribe. So, we'll see....

w:User:ish ishwar commons:User:ishwar

Category:Taos language   Category:twf:*Topics   Category:Taos nouns  

Taos nouns



kùyululúna "skunk"
mį̀mina "maternal uncle"
pį̀ę’éna "bed"
pį̂ę̀na "road"
tòbúana "governor of pueblo"
tùoyoną "towel" (loan)
úypha’ána "burning coal"

  • xəli- stem with no tone/stress "circle" (Trager & Whorf 620)
  • ko- "plant"
  • kwę- "hard, metal, iron" (perhaps related to kwę́łoną "oak" [hard+wood], kwę̀mų́na "carpenter's apron" [hard+?], kwę̀xòci’ína "bracelet" [hard+arm+tie/knot]?)
  • kole´ne "food" (does ´ mean tone or stress?)
  • łacina translation withheld but something like kachina?, Parsons: "...term frequently given for thunder and kachina....may be a variant of kachina or the matrix term, a point bearing perhaps importantly upon the history of the kachina cult" (stress on 1st syllable in compounds łàci- (nąłàcit’ə́otuna, łàcisə́onenemą), suffix probably nasalized assuming animacy, ie łáciną?)

low tone




c’ìpána c’únena cì’íne cìat’áwaną gosulínene ílena

kàyi’ína kə̀nénemą kwę̀mų́na kwìawíne kwìawìp’į́ęna

láyna łò’óne łòthə́na łòtúna łòwatúną

mąkìno’óna mį̀yo’óna móxwoluną múluną ną̀méne ò’ílena

p’į́ęna p’ȍ’óne p’ȍcíane p’ȍxə̀t’į́ęnemą p’ȍxúone p’ȍxwíana p’ȍxwìli’ína phà’áne phìstuléna pį̏ę’éna pį́ęna pȉléna plòso’óna pǫ̏’óna pǫ̀’óne púeloną pùohóna pùot’ę́ną pùru’úna

ràncu’úna sə̀onp’óna supòno’óna

t’áwaną t’òyłóna thə̏’ə́na thə́na tį̀ęndo’óna tìkiti’ína tròki’ína

úliną ùlit’áwaną ùro’óna ùru’úna úyna ùypha’ána wàlto’óna



topics from 4 dictionaries/lexicons of minority languages minus the cats that I've already added for the Taos language.

Western Apache, Mescalero topics


to be added...