User:Ish ishwar
I'm a cognitive scientist/linguist/phonetician/phonologist/speech perception psychologist.
On wiktionary, i added all the Taos language entries here over a decade ago. (At the time, I was just sifting through the lexicon to see there was any loanword borrowing from Taos into Apachean languages. It was unlikely since Apachean speakers have rarely borrowed words from other languages, & I didn't see any in my cursory glance.)
I could add lots of stuff from Apachean languages since I have all published dictionaries and many texts of these languages as well as unpublished fieldnotes from early linguists (that is, Harry Hoijer, William Bittle, etc.). Many years ago, I compiled a noun list for the Chiricahua Apache tribe. So, we'll see....
w:User:ish ishwar commons:User:ishwar
Category:Taos language Category:twf:*Topics Category:Taos nouns
Taos nouns
kùyululúna "skunk"
mį̀mina "maternal uncle"
pį̀ę’éna "bed"
pį̂ę̀na "road"
tòbúana "governor of pueblo"
tùoyoną "towel" (loan)
úypha’ána "burning coal"
- xəli- stem with no tone/stress "circle" (Trager & Whorf 620)
- ko- "plant"
- kwę- "hard, metal, iron" (perhaps related to kwę́łoną "oak" [hard+wood], kwę̀mų́na "carpenter's apron" [hard+?], kwę̀xòci’ína "bracelet" [hard+arm+tie/knot]?)
- kole´ne "food" (does ´ mean tone or stress?)
- łacina translation withheld but something like kachina?, Parsons: "...term frequently given for thunder and kachina....may be a variant of kachina or the matrix term, a point bearing perhaps importantly upon the history of the kachina cult" (stress on 1st syllable in compounds łàci- (nąłàcit’ə́otuna, łàcisə́onenemą), suffix probably nasalized assuming animacy, ie łáciną?)
low tone
[edit]- c’ȁwéna
- kòwmą̏celéna, mą̏c’élena, mą̏nénemą, mą̂nmųną
- cȅdéna
- hə̏olune
- kə̏dénemą
- pə̏’ə́na
- thə̏’ə́na
- ə̂bena
- ə̂łì, ə̂na
- ȉa’áne, ȉacǫ̀lekwíame, ȉac’ùlekwíame
- łȉwéna, łȉw’ȕ’úna, pę̀łȉwéna
- phȉwéna
- pȉléna
- pȉwéna
- į̏ęmę̀ki’ína
- į̏ęnénemą
- mį̏mína
- pį̏ę’éna
- į̂ęthuną
- cìp’ȍxwìli’íne, p’ȍxwìli’ína
- ìałophàymųp’ȍhəothəlt’óynemą
- k’ȍ’óna
- ȍdénemą
- p’ȍ’óna, p’ȍ’óne, p’ȍcíane, p’ȍłìlap’ȍ’óne, p’ȍxúone
- p’ȍ’ǫ́yona
- p’ȍ’ȕ’úna
- p’ȍcákana
- p’ȍk’úowoną
- p’ȍkúna
- p’ȍpə́na
- p’ȍpíaną
- p’ȍsį́wną
- p’ȍtukw’ilóna
- p’ȍwàya’ána
- p’ȍxəłóna
- p’ȍxə̀t’į́ęnemą
- p’ȍxwíana
- pȍbénemą
- hų̏p’ôhaną
- pôb’ȕ
- kǫ̏wéna
- pǫ̏’óna
- tǫ̏’one
- tǫ̏ména
- tǫ̂m’ȕ
- tǫ̂m
- tǫ̂mą
- c’ȕnéna
- cìlixòy’ȕ’úna
- cíło’ȕ
- hȕolóna
- hȕthóna
- k’ùo’ȕ’úna
- ká’ȕ
- kòw’ȕ’úna
- kȕphúone
- p’ȍ’ȕ’úna
- pôb’ȕ
- łá’ȕ
- łȉw’ȕ’úna
- sȕléna
- thȕléna
- tǫ̂m’ȕ
- tòpháy’ȕ
- tȕculóna
- ȕ’úna
- ȕłęłę’éna
- ȕp’iléna
- ȕsú
- ȕ’únemą
- cûdena
- tûoyoną
- hų̏p’ôhaną
- pų̏’úne
- hų̂nemą
[edit]c’ìpána c’únena cì’íne cìat’áwaną gosulínene ílena
kàyi’ína kə̀nénemą kwę̀mų́na kwìawíne kwìawìp’į́ęna
láyna łò’óne łòthə́na łòtúna łòwatúną
mąkìno’óna mį̀yo’óna móxwoluną múluną ną̀méne ò’ílena
p’į́ęna p’ȍ’óne p’ȍcíane p’ȍxə̀t’į́ęnemą p’ȍxúone p’ȍxwíana p’ȍxwìli’ína phà’áne phìstuléna pį̏ę’éna pį́ęna pȉléna plòso’óna pǫ̏’óna pǫ̀’óne púeloną pùohóna pùot’ę́ną pùru’úna
ràncu’úna sə̀onp’óna supòno’óna
t’áwaną t’òyłóna thə̏’ə́na thə́na tį̀ęndo’óna tìkiti’ína tròki’ína
úliną ùlit’áwaną ùro’óna ùru’úna úyna ùypha’ána wàlto’óna
[edit]topics from 4 dictionaries/lexicons of minority languages minus the cats that I've already added for the Taos language.
- Category:Aboriginal tool materials
- Category:Abstract or non-material concepts
- Category:Abstract
- Category:Activity
- Category:Adverbs of quantity
- Category:Affinal (by marriage)
- Category:Ages
- Category:Agricultural plants
- Category:Amphibians and reptiles
- Category:Amulets
- Category:Animal body parts
- Category:Animal-like spirits, humanoid spirits, and other phenomena
- Category:Appearance
- Category:Approach
- Category:Areal nouns, postpositions, and adverbs of location
- Category:Axes
- Category:Babies
- Category:Baseball
- Category:Berries, Category:Berry plants and berries
- Category:Beverages
- Category:Blankets, robes
- Category:Boats
- Category:Body fluids and excretions
- Category:Body function
- Category:Body parts of humans and animals, Category:Body parts
- Category:Body
- Category:Books, paper goods, writing instruments
- Category:Bows and arrows
- Category:Break
- Category:Broad-leaf trees and bushes
- Category:Buildings
- Category:Butcher
- Category:Caches and racks
- Category:Camp
- Category:Car
- Category:Cards
- Category:Carpenter's measurements
- Category:Carry
- Category:Cats
- Category:Celestial
- Category:Ceremonial
- Category:Christian and orthodox terms
- Category:Church
- Category:Clans and families
- Category:Classificatory
- Category:Cloth, fabrics
- Category:Clothes and footwear
- Category:Clothing and adornment
- Category:Clothing
- Category:Clubs, slings, and gaff hooks
- Category:Cognition
- Category:Color terms with examples
- Category:Colors
- Category:Common adverbs of time
- Category:Common verbs of cooking
- Category:Conifers: trees and bushes with needle-like leaves
- Category:Consanguinal (by blood)
- Category:Consanguineal and affinal kinship terms
- Category:Cook inlet ice conditions
- Category:Cook
- Category:Cooking and eating utensils and containers
- Category:Cooking and eating utensils
- Category:Cooking
- Category:Cry
- Category:Cut
- Category:Cuts of meat
- Category:Dance
- Category:Days of the week and holidays
- Category:Days, seasons, months, and adverbs of time
- Category:Death
- Category:Degree
- Category:Demonstrative pronouns
- Category:Descriptive
- Category:Designations of actions
- Category:Designations of features of actions
- Category:Designations of features of objects
- Category:Designs
- Category:Diminutives and augmentative nouns
- Category:Direction
- Category:Directional structure: prefixes + root + suffixes
- Category:Directional winds and named winds
- Category:Distance
- Category:Distant animals
- Category:Distinct singular and plural verb roots
- Category:Distributive plural
- Category:District
- Category:Do
- Category:Dog teams and dog gear
- Category:Dogs
- Category:Domestic animals
- Category:Domestic fruits and vegetables
- Category:Domestic or distant birds
- Category:Dress
- Category:Drink
- Category:Drive
- Category:Drum
- Category:Dwelling and utensils
- Category:Ears
- Category:Eat
- Category:Eating
- Category:Emotions
- Category:Environment
- Category:Ethnonyms
- Category:Examples
- Category:Exclamations
- Category:External body parts, head to toes
- Category:Eyes
- Category:Face
- Category:Fall
- Category:Falling snow, snow storms
- Category:Farm
- Category:Farming
- Category:Fast
- Category:Feet
- Category:Fire-related utensils
- Category:Fire
- Category:Firearms
- Category:Firewood and fuel
- Category:Fish and fishery products
- Category:Fish and seafoods
- Category:Fish, shellfish, and amphibians
- Category:Fish
- Category:Fishing devices and gear
- Category:Float
- Category:Fly
- Category:Food containers, bags, baskets, and water containers
- Category:Footwear
- Category:Freshwater fish (resident species)
- Category:Fungi, mushrooms
- Category:Furniture
- Category:Gambling game, hand game
- Category:Games, music, and stories
- Category:Games
- Category:General notions
- Category:General nouns for clothing
- Category:General nouns for foods
- Category:General plant and tree parts, plant products
- Category:General terms for land
- Category:General terms for people by age
- Category:General terms for shelter and settlements
- Category:General terms
- Category:Geography
- Category:Glaciers
- Category:Gloves
- Category:Grammar
- Category:Grass-like plants
- Category:Graves and cemeteries
- Category:Greetings
- Category:Groom
- Category:Guns
- Category:Hair conditions and colors
- Category:Hair
- Category:Hairstyles
- Category:Hand
- Category:Handcraft
- Category:Handgame
- Category:Hands
- Category:Hang
- Category:Happen
- Category:Harness
- Category:Head
- Category:Headwear
- Category:Health characteristics, body conditions, and ailments
- Category:Hear
- Category:Height
- Category:Herbs
- Category:Historic and modern boats
- Category:Hit
- Category:Holidays
- Category:Horses
- Category:House
- Category:Household furnishings, personal belongings, and miscellany
- Category:Household furniture and furnishings
- Category:Houses, shelters, racks, and caches
- Category:Housework
- Category:Hunt
- Category:Hunting and fishing devices
- Category:Hunting implements
- Category:Ice
- Category:Identity
- Category:Indian wedding
- Category:Influence
- Category:Insects (identified, partially identified), *Category:Bugs, *Category:Insects defined by habitat
- Category:Instrument/tool
- Category:Internal organs
- Category:Interpersonal
- Category:Interrogative and demonstrative words, *Category:Interrogatives
- Category:Jewelry, beads, and adornment
- Category:Jobs
- Category:Knives
- Category:Lakes and ponds
- Category:Land and land forms, Category:Landforms, Category:Major landforms (mountains, ridges, passes, points, islands, deltas)
- Category:Land mammals
- Category:Land or vegetation conditions with quq'
- Category:Language
- Category:Languages
- Category:Laugh
- Category:Legal
- Category:Lichens
- Category:Lie
- Category:Light
- Category:Liquid
- Category:Live
- Category:Livestock
- Category:Location
- Category:Lodges
- Category:Major streams, lakes, and glaciers
- Category:Marine mammals
- Category:Marriage
- Category:Material, Category:Materials
- Category:Measurement, Category:Measurements of quantity, weight, and time
- Category:Meat cuts and butchered organs
- Category:Meat
- Category:Medicinal plants
- Category:Medicine
- Category:Metal, Category:Metals
- Category:Modern buildings
- Category:Modern vehicles
- Category:Money counting
- Category:Money
- Category:Monsters
- Category:Months
- Category:Moon
- Category:Mosses
- Category:Motion
- Category:Mouth
- Category:Move
- Category:Movie
- Category:Musical instruments
- Category:Name, Category:Names
- Category:Nationalities
- Category:Nickname
- Category:Non-native peoples
- Category:Nose
- Category:Nouns and verbs for health and body conditions
- Category:Nouns for streams
- Category:Nouns for types of fires
- Category:Number in grammar
- Category:Number in verbs
- Category:Numbers, measurements, and adverbs of quantity
- Category:Numbers, Category:Numerals
- Category:Other animal terms
- Category:Other athabascans (non-)
- Category:Other edible plants
- Category:Other foods
- Category:Other land plants (mostly inedible)
- Category:Other native peoples
- Category:Packs and carrying bags
- Category:Paint
- Category:Pants, skirts, and belts
- Category:Paper/book
- Category:Parts of a boat and equipment
- Category:Parts of a boot
- Category:Parts of a fish and other fish terms
- Category:Parts of a garment
- Category:Parts of a house
- Category:Parts of a skin
- Category:Parts of birds, other terms
- Category:Parts of things
- Category:Peoples and band names
- Category:Person distinguished by sex, age, occupation, ethnicity and territorial affiliation
- Category:Personal and household items
- Category:Personal and possessive pronouns
- Category:Personality
- Category:Phys. ed.
- Category:Physical environment and natural phenomena
- Category:Place
- Category:Places
- Category:Play
- Category:Positional
- Category:Positions
- Category:Post-contact and modern roles, jobs, professions
- Category:Prehistoric boats
- Category:Prepared meat foods
- Category:Primary tools
- Category:Principal settlements, 18th 20th centuries
- Category:Processing skins
- Category:Pronominal prefix
- Category:Pronoun
- Category:Pronouns and pronominal prefixes
- Category:Pronouns
- Category:Put
- Category:Quality
- Category:Quantity
- Category:Question words and sample questions
- Category:Rain
- Category:Recreation
- Category:Regional place names
- Category:Relatives, kinship terms
- Category:Relatives
- Category:Religious terms and spirits
- Category:Revenge
- Category:Riverine directionals
- Category:Rivers
- Category:Rocks named for functions
- Category:Roles, jobs, professions
- Category:Roll
- Category:Romance
- Category:Room
- Category:Ropelike
- Category:Ropes, lines, lashings, and cords
- Category:Run
- Category:Russian kin terms in
- Category:Sacred
- Category:Salmon
- Category:Saltwater fish
- Category:Sayings
- Category:School, instruction
- Category:School
- Category:Sea animals
- Category:Seasons, parts of day and night, parts of time
- Category:Seasons
- Category:Selected place names
- Category:Sew
- Category:Sewing tools and supplies
- Category:Sewing
- Category:Sex
- Category:Shapes
- Category:Shellfish, bivalves, and other sea creatures
- Category:Shoes
- Category:Shoot
- Category:Sickness
- Category:Sight
- Category:Sign
- Category:Sing
- Category:Singular and plural subjects and objects
- Category:Sit inan
- Category:Sit
- Category:Size
- Category:Skin tanning and sewing
- Category:Skin tanning tools
- Category:Skins, stages of processed skins
- Category:Sky and stars
- Category:Sky, weather, and atmosphere
- Category:Sleds
- Category:Sleep
- Category:Smell
- Category:Smoke
- Category:Snakes
- Category:Snow on ground
- Category:Snow
- Category:Snowshoes and winter travel devices
- Category:Social events
- Category:Societies
- Category:Soils, rocks, and minerals
- Category:Some general hunting terms
- Category:Some general nouns and common verbs for work
- Category:Some general nouns and verbs of health
- Category:Some modern equipment
- Category:Some nouns and verbs for wind
- Category:Some species-specific meat cuts
- Category:Some verbs of burning
- Category:Some verbs of eating
- Category:Some verbs of freezing
- Category:Some verbs of stream flow
- Category:Some verbs of tanning and sewing
- Category:Some verbs of walking and traveling
- Category:Some verbs of wearing, dressing
- Category:Songs and dances
- Category:Sounds
- Category:Space
- Category:Speak
- Category:Spears and spearheads
- Category:Speed
- Category:Sports, exercises, and games for conditioning
- Category:Stand
- Category:Stative
- Category:Storage devices
- Category:Stories, language, and verbal arts
- Category:Streams and stream and water conditions
- Category:Suffixes for number
- Category:Sun dance
- Category:Surface
- Category:Swim
- Category:Taboo
- Category:Taste
- Category:Tear
- Category:Telling time
- Category:Temperature
- Category:Tepee
- Category:Terrain
- Category:Texture
- Category:The day
- Category:The home
- Category:The ocean and cook inlet
- Category:The sky
- Category:Thick-stemmed plants (mostly edible)
- Category:Throw
- Category:Time
- Category:Tobacco gear
- Category:Tobacco products
- Category:Toponymic generic terms in place names
- Category:Touch
- Category:Toys and games
- Category:Tracks
- Category:Trade/business, Category:Trade, Category:Business
- Category:Traditional and general roles
- Category:Traditional and modern tools
- Category:Traditional buildings and camps
- Category:Traditional religious concepts
- Category:Trails
- Category:Transportation
- Category:Traps and snares
- Category:Tribes
- Category:Types and conditions of ice
- Category:Types of trees
- Category:Types of useable skins
- Category:Types of wood
- Category:Unidentified insects
- Category:Unidentified plants
- Category:Upper garments (shirts, coats, dresses)
- Category:Vegetation conditions
- Category:Violence
- Category:Voice
- Category:Vulgar
- Category:Walk
- Category:Warfare
- Category:Water plants, algae, and seaweeds
- Category:Water, snow and ice
- Category:Water
- Category:Weapons
- Category:Weight
- Category:Whites
- Category:Wild and domestic animals
- Category:Wind
- Category:Winds
- Category:Wood
- Category:Work
Western Apache, Mescalero topics
[edit]to be added...