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User:Hk5183/unami verb paradigm

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Independent Order Central Endings

Independent Order Central Endings
Person m-endings w-endings n-endings
1s |-(əhm)| |-W| style="width:100px;

"| |-ən(ē)|

2s |-(əhm)| |-W| style="width:100px;

"| |-ən(ē)|

3 XX |-W| |-ən(ē)|
1p, 12 |əhmənā| |wənā(n)| |ənēn(ā(n)-)|
2p |-əhmwā| |-wəwā(w-)| |-ənēwā(w-)|
3p XXX |-wəwā(w-)| |-ənēwā(w-)|
3' |-W|m

Animate Intransitive Independent Indicative Inflection

Animate Intransitive Independent Indicative
Person Inflection
1 |nə-∅|
2 |kə-∅|
3 |-w|
1p |n- -əhməna|
12 |k--əhməna|
2p |k--əhmwā|
3p |-wak|
X |-ən|

Animate Intransitive (AI) Verb Paradigm

Animate Intransitive Independent Indicative
Person /kəntəka·-/
'come from'
1,2 nkə́ntka
3 kə́ntke·(w)
1p,12 nkəntkáhəna
2p kkəntkáhəmɔ
3p kəntké·yɔk
X kə́ntkan

Animate Intransitive Subordinative


Animate Intransitive Subordinative Inflection

Animate Intransitive Independent Indicative
Person Inflection
1 /nə-ən(ē-)/
2 /kə-ən(ē-)/
3 /wə-ən(ē-)/
3' /wə-əlīn(ē-)/
1p /nə-ənēn(ā(n)-)/
12 /kə-ənēn(ā(n)-)/
2p /kə-ənēwā(w-)/
3p /wə-ənēwā(w-)/
X /-ən(ē-)/
0 /-w/

Transitive Animate Indicative Paradigm

Direct Direct Objective
Absolute -3s -3p -3'
1s /nə-ā/ /nə-āw/ /nə-āwak/ X
3s /-ēw/ X X /wə-āwa/
1p /nə-āhmənā/ /nə-āwənā/ /nə-āwənānāk/ X
2p /kə-āhmwā/ /kə-āwəwā/ /kə-āwəwāwāk/ X
3p /-ēwak/ X X /wə-āwəwāwā/
X X /-āw/ /-āwak/ /-a·ləwa/

Transitive Animate Present Indicative Inverse Paradigm

Inverse Inverse Objective
Absolute -3s -3p -3'
1s /nə-əkw/ /nə-əkw/ /nə-əkōk/ X
3s /-əkw/ X X /wə-əkwa/
3' /-əkwələw/ X X X
1p /nə-əkwəhmənā/ /nə-əkōnā/ /nə-əkōnānak/ X
2p /kə-əkwəhmwā/ /kə-əkəwā/ /kə-əkəwāwak/
3p /-əkōk/ X X /wə-əkəwāwa/

Transitive Animate Present Indicative To See

Direct Direct Objective
Absolute -3s -3p -3'
1s /pëne/ /mpënao/ /mpënaok/ X
3s /pwëne/ X X /pwënao/
1p /nemëna/ /mpënawëna/ /mpënawënanàk/ X
2p /kënehëmo/ /kpënawa/ /kpënaoòk/ X
3p /pwënawoo/ X X /pwënawoo/
X X /new/ /-āwak/ /-a·ləwa/

TA 1 & 2 passive

Transitive Animate Independent Indicative 1 & 2 passive
Person Inflection
1s /nə-əkē/
2s /kə-əkē/
1p /nə-əkēhnā/
12 /kə- -əkēhnā/
2p /kə--əkēhmwā/

TA Theme 3

Transitive Animate Independent Indicative Theme 3
Person Inflection
2s-1s /kə-ī/
2p-1s /kə-īhmwā/
2-1p /kə-īhmənā/

TA Theme 4

Transitive Animate Independent Indicative Theme 4
Person Inflection
1s-2s /kə-ələn(ē-)/
1s-2p /kə-ələnēwā(w-)/
1p-2 /kə-ələnēn(ā(n)-)/

Transitive Animate Subordinative Paradigm

1s-3 /nə-ān(ē-)/
2s-3 /kə-ān(ē-)/
2s-3' /kə-ālīn(ē-)/
3s-3' /wə-ān(ē-)/
X-3 /-ān(ē-)/
X-3' /ālīn(ē-)/
1p-3 /nə-ānēn(ā(n)-)/
12-3 /kə-ānēn(ā(n)-)/
2p-3 /kə-ānēwā(w-)/
3p-3' /wə-ānēwā(w-)/

Transitive Animate Subordinative Inverse Paradigm

3-1s /nə-əkwən(ē-), -əkōn(ē-)/
3-2s /kə-əkwən(ē-), əkōn(ē-)/
3'-3s /wə-əkwən(ē-), əkōn(ē-)/
3-1p /nə-əkōnēn(ā(n)-)/
3-12 /kə-əkōnēn(ā(n)-)/
2p /kə-əkwənēwā(w-)/, /kə-əkōnēwā(w-)/
3'-3p /wə-əkwənēwā(w-)/, /wə-əkōnēwā(w-)/

TA Theme 3

Transitive Animate Subordinative Theme 3
Person Inflection
2s-1s /kə-īn(ē-)/
2p-1s /kə-īnēwā(w-)/
2-1p /kə-īnēn(ā(n)-)/

TA Theme 4

Transitive Animate Independent Indicative Theme 4
Person Inflection
1s-2s /kə-əl/
1s-2p /kə-ələhmwā/
1p-2 /kə-ələhmənā/

Transitive Inanimate


Transitive Inanimate Present Indicative Absolute Paradigm

TI(1a) TI(1b) TI(2) TI(3)
1s /nə-am/ /nə-əm/ /nə-ō/ /nə-/
2s /kə-am/ /kə-əm/ /kə-ō/ /kə-/
3s /-amw/ /-əmw/ /-ōw/ /-w/
1p /nə-aməhmənā/ /nə-əməhmənā/ /nə-ōhnā/ /nə-əhmənā/
12 /kə-aməhmənā/ /kə-əməhmənā/ /kə-ōhnā/ /kə-əhmənā/
2p /kə-aməhmwā/ /kə-əməhmwā/ /kə-ōhmwā/ /kə-əhmwā/
3p /-amōk/ /-əmōk/ /-ōwak/ /wak/

Conjunct Order Central Suffixes

Conjunct Order Central Suffixes
Person basic set
1s /-ā(n)/
2s /-an/, /-àn/
3s /-t/, /-k/
X /ənk/
1p /-ēnk/
12 /-ankw/
2p /-ēkw/
0 /-k/
3p /-hətīt/
3' /-əlīt/
  • Suffix /-ā(n-)/ almost always /-án/ before a vowel & /-a/ word finally.
  • After a vowel the /ə/ in /-ənk/ & /-əlīt/ is elided, but the other suffix-initial vowels have a /y/ inserted before them.
  • An underlying /ī/ is replaced by /ə/ before this /y/, the /ə/ is colored to /i/, and the /y/ is lost.
  • After other vowels (/ā/ & /ē/) the /y/ is lost without a trace.
  • The variant /-k/ 3 is used after a consonant.
  • The suffix -k is added directly after /m/ @ /n/ giving /nk/.
  • After other consonants/ə/ is inserted before/k/ 3s.

In II stems, a stem-final /t/ combines variously with /-k/ 0: a /ə/ may be inserted, giving /tək/, or /-k/ 0 may be added directly, giving both /hk/ and /h/.

  • Ostensible /-hətīt/ 3p is used after a vowel (/hət/ realized as /ht/); /əhtīt/ 3p (/əht/ realized as /hit/) is used after a consonant preceded by a long vowel; /əhətīt/ 3p (/əhət/ realized as /iht/) is used in most cases after a short-vowel syllable
  • The /-k/ 0 & 3 combines with /-w/ NEG as /-kw/
  • The TI class Theme Sign /-aw/ combines with /-k/ 3 as /-ākw/.


  • Direct theme sign (theme 1) /-ā/ appears overtly before a consonant (giving e.g. /-āt/ 3s-3' & /-āhətīt/ 3p-3'), but is dropped before a vowel (giving /-àk/ 1s-3).
  • The underlying presence of /-ā/ before the vowel-initial suffixes is evident, however, in negative forms in which /-w/ NEG intervenes.

TA, 3rd person object Conjunct Suffixes

Transitive Animate 3 person object Conjunct Suffixes
Person Inflection
1s-3 /-àk/
2s-3 /-àt/
X-3 /-ənt/


  • Central Pronominal Suffixes are entirely distinct from those of the Independent Order.
  • Theme signs basically same as Independent Order, with a few differences in distribution.
  • Peripheral Suffixes, used only to mark heads of participles, are variants of those used on possessed nouns & Independent Order verbs.


water f.
poet m.
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative aqua -a aquae -ae poēta -a poētae -ae
Accusative aquam -am aquās -ās poētam -am poētās -ās
Genitive aquaeTemplate:efn-lr -ae aquārum -ārum poētae -ae poētārum -ārum
Dative aquīs -īs poētīs -īs
Ablative aquā poētā

Template:notelist-lr The locative endings for the first declension are -ae (singular) and -īs (plural), similar to the genitive singular and ablative plural, as in mīlitiae 'in war' and Athēnīs 'at Athens'.[1]

Useful things





  • ininiwag (plural)
  1. flow, stream, current

oj-vai Nind





Base template for Unami verbs. Use this for other tense/mood tables.

[Category:Unami templates|verbtable]transitive animate


I - him neyo

I - them neyok / neyook

You - him kneyo

You them

He - you sg.

He - him' wëneyoo

He - them wëneyoòk

We - you sg.

We - him këneyowëna

We - You pl.

We - them kneyowënanàk / neyowënanàk

You pl. - him kneyowa

You pl. us

You pl. them këneyook

You-object subj 1 & obj. 2

knewël I -you sg.

knewëlhùmo I - you pl.

knewëlhùmëna We - you pl.

knewëlhùhëna We - you sg.

Me object subject 2nd & obj. 1st

You sg. - me (knei)

You pl. - Me - (kneihëmo) [knei -hm-waw] You sg. - us këneihëna

inverse forms

He - me neyùkw [new - ëk -w

He-us (nehkùna) w-new-ëkw-w-nan

He - you pl. kënèhkuwa

They - me nehkùk [n-new-ëk-w-àk]

They-you sg. kënèhkuk

They - him nèhkëwoo

They - him (obv.) neyòwò

They - us nèhkuwënanàk

They-you pl. kënèhkëwook

They - them (obv.) wëneyoneyo

We - refl. kënewtihënuk


You pl.- refl. kënewtihëmo


They - refl. newtuwàk

Passive VAI

nèhkwësi - I am seen

nèwkwësu - he is seen / nèhkwësu

nèhkwësihënuk - we are seen / nèhkwësihëna

kënèhkwësihëmo - you pl. are seen

nèhkwësuwàk - they are seen

In the third declension, there are four irregular nouns.

Case Template:wikt-lang
force, power f.
swine, pig, hog m.f.
ox, bullock m.f.
Jupiter m.
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular
Nominative vīs vīrēs sūs suēs bōsTemplate:efn-lr bovēs Iuppiter
Accusative vim vīrēs
suem bovem Iovem
Genitive vīsTemplate:efn-lr vīrium suis suum bovis boum
Dative Template:efn-lr vīribus suī suibus,
bovī bōbus
Ablative sue bove Iove


  1. ^ Allen and Greenough. §43 c.