User:HippieBot/Entries in Encarta online not in Wiktionary/34
- national colors
- national consciousness
- national dress
- national expenditure
- national forest
- national guard
- national launch
- national media
- national monument
- national newspaper
- national product
- national security adviser
- national socialism
- national wealth
- native bush
- native frangipani
- native hen
- natriuretic factor
- natural advantages
- natural aging
- natural business year
- natural childbirth
- natural death
- natural frequency
- natural medicine
- natural rate of unemployment
- natural scale
- natural slope
- natural theology
- natural virtue
- natural world
- nav.
- naval flight officer
- navigation satellite
- navy cut
- nazm
- nc
- ndole
- ndugu
- near about
- near letter quality
- near-cash
- near-earth object
- near-pack
- near-public goods
- nearby futures contract
- nearby month
- neat's-foot oil
- nebular hypothesis
- necr-
- necrotizing enterocolitis
- nectoneme
- needle grass
- needle-leaf tree
- needlepunch
- needs standard
- negative carry
- negative covenant
- negative divergence
- negative pledge clause
- negative royale
- negative soul
- negative staining
- negative yield curve
- negotiable certificate of deposit
- negotiable security
- negotiated issue
- negotiated market
- negotiated offering
- negotiated sale
- negotiating rights
- neighbor mix
- neighbor note
- neighborhood grind
- neighborhood watch
- neo-Melanesian
- neoexpressionism
- nereis
- nerve block
- nervous tic
- nesselrode
- nest-building
- nestle-draf
- net adjusted present value
- net advantage of refunding
- net advantage to leasing
- net advantage to merging
- net asset value
- net audience
- net capital
- net cash balance
- net cord
- net domestic product
- net errors and omissions
- net export function
- net foreign factor income
- net national product
- net net net
- net operating margin
- net position
- net proceeds
- net property income from abroad
- net realizable value
- net salvage value
- net ton
- net unduplicated audience
- net weekly circulation
- net wire
- net-winged
- netcheck
- netcheque
- nettle rash
- network diagram
- network-centric
- neur.
- neural computer
- neural tube defect
- neuritic plaque
- neurofibrillary tangle
- neurolinguistic programming
- neutral corner
- neutral spirits
- new arrival
- new build
- new games
- new growth economist
- new horizons
- new issue
- new look
- new university
- new urbanism
- new variant CJD
- new vaudeville
- newground
- newly competitive service
- newly industrializing country
- newly industrializing economy
- news envelope
- news magazine
- news peg
- news release
- news service
- next futures contract
- nf
- nichemanship
- nickel dermatitis
- nickel plate
- nickel-cadmium battery
- nieve penitente
- night crawler
- night depository
- night fighter
- night latch
- night sight
- night-blooming cereus
- night-heron
- nisgal
- nitric oxide synthase
- nitrifying bacterium
- nitrite bacterium
- nitrogenous base
- nitrohydrochloric acid
- niçoise
- njamma-njamma
- nl
- no-'count
- no-action letter
- no-brain
- no-fault compensation system
- no-fuss
- no-hit
- no-kill
- no-sale price
- no-side
- no-smoking
- noct-
- nocti-
- nodal tachycardia
- noddy suit
- nogal
- noggin-head
- noise abatement
- nollie flip
- nollie front flip
- nominal GDP
- nominal annual rate
- nominal capital
- nominal cash flow
- nominal exchange rate
- nominal interest rate
- nominal national income
- nominal price
- nominal production
- nominal quote
- nominal rate
- nominal tariff rate
- nominal wages
- non dit
- non grata
- non-REM sleep
- non-insulin-dependent diabetes
- non-treaty Indian
- nonadmitted asset
- nonair commercial
- noncash expense
- noncompetitive bid
- nonconforming loan
- nondestructive testing
- nondiscretionary trust
- nonexecutive director
- nonexempt employee
- nonexpense cash disbursement
- nonfinancial asset
- nongonococcal urethritis
- nongovernmental organization
- noninsured plan
- noninterest-bearing bond
- nonjudicial foreclosure
- nonmarket sector
- nonmarketed claim
- nonmarketed output
- nonmember firm
- nonnegotiable instrument
- nonoperational balances
- nonoxynol-9
- nonperforming asset
- nonpoint source
- nonprice competition
- nonprofitmaking
- nonrecourse debt
- nonrecurring charge
- nonreproducible asset
- nonresident Indian
- nonrestrictive clause
- nonreturn valve
- nonsense verse
- nonspecific urethritis
- nonstatutory fringe benefit
- nonstock corporation
- nonstore retailing
- nontariff barrier
- nonwage benefit
- nonya
- noonoo
- noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor
- norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
- norm-referenced
- normal curve
- normal portfolio
- normal yield curve
- normalizing method
- norte
- nortec
- northcountryman
- nose drops
- nose manual
- nose ornament
- nose rag
- nose wheel
- nose wheelie
- nose-grab air
- nose-poke air
- nose-slide shove it out
- note issuance facility
- note row
- notes receivable
- notes to the accounts
- notes to the financial statements
- notice day
- notice of sale
- notification date
- notify party
- notional principal amount
- notorious possession
- novel food
- npl
- nsec
- nt. wt.
- nu-
- nuchal translucency test
- nucl-
- nuclear air
- nuclear disarmament
- nuclear emulsion
- nuclear pore
- nuclear reprocessing plant
- nuclear sap
- nuclear submarine
- nuclear threshold
- nuclear warhead
- nucleolar organizer
- nucleotide base
- nuisance value
- nukkad
- number of buyers
- number of sellers
- numbered account
- numeric control
- numerical order
- nuptial plumage
- nurse anesthetist
- nurse's aide
- nurse-prescribing
- nursery class
- nursing assistant
- nursing process
- nutritional labeling
- nutritional therapy
- nuts-and-bolts
- nuzzle-tripe
- nyetwork
- nz
- o'nyong-nyong fever
- o.
- o.b.o.
- o.c.
- o.d.
- o.n.o.
- o.o.
- o.t.
- o/s
- oak leaf cluster
- oat-cell
- obb.
- obi belt
- obj.
- object and task technique
- object lens
- object relations
- object-oriented graphics
- objective complement
- objective lens
- obl.
- oblietjie
- oblique-slip fault
- oboe da caccia
- obruk
- obstructive sleep apnea
- occ.
- occas.
- occupation groupings
- occupational hearing loss
- occupational medicine
- occupational mobility
- occupational overuse syndrome
- occupational pension
- ocean greyhound
- ocean perch
- ocean racer
- oceanic ridge
- oct.
- octal notation
- octave coupler
- octopus bite
- ocul-
- odd lot dealer
- odd lot theory