User:HippieBot/Entries in Encarta online not in Wiktionary/19
- carbonate platform
- carbonette
- carboxy-
- carcan
- carcass trade
- carcin-
- carcinoid syndrome
- card in
- card index
- card out
- card rate
- card-
- card-not-present transaction
- cardan joint
- cardholder certificate
- cardiac compression
- cardiac neurosis
- cardiopulmonary bypass
- care and maintenance
- care assistant
- care attendant
- care label
- care worker
- career coach
- career counselor
- career gapper
- career path
- carfuffle
- cargo control document
- cargo pocket
- carload rate
- caroli
- carolus
- carotid body
- carotid sinus syndrome
- carousel retaliation
- carpopedal spasm
- carrefour
- carriage dog
- carriage horse
- carriage line
- carrick bitt
- carrier air wing
- carrot fly
- carry back
- carrycase
- carryin
- carrying charge
- cart track
- carte du jour
- cartridge case
- cartridge clip
- cascading menu
- case goods
- case stated
- case system
- cased glass
- cash account
- cash budget
- cash contract
- cash control
- cash conversion cycle
- cash cycle
- cash deficiency agreement
- cash equivalence
- cash equivalent
- cash flow coverage ratio
- cash in on
- cash journal
- cash letter
- cash management
- cash method
- cash ratio
- cash reserves
- cash settlement
- cash surrender value
- cash transaction
- cash withdrawal
- cash-and-carry
- cash-on-cash return
- cash-rich
- cashless society
- cast around or about
- cast commercial
- caste Hindu
- caste mark
- caster steering
- casting director
- castor-oil plant
- castration complex
- casualty insurance
- cat rig
- cat-o'-two-tails
- cataclysmic variable
- catalytic cracker
- catch basin
- catching diode
- catchwater drain
- categorical assistance
- cathiodermie
- cathodic protection
- catshot
- cattle grub
- cattle stop
- cause-related marketing
- cav.
- cavalier King Charles spaniel
- cavalry twill
- caveman rail
- caviard
- cavity block
- cbd
- cc.
- cd
- cd.
- cecropia moth
- cedar-apple rust
- celestial coordinates
- celestial globe
- celestial horizon
- cellular biology
- cellular oncogene
- cellular radio
- cen.
- centas
- center bit
- center halfback
- center ice
- center of pressure
- center three-quarter
- centered stance
- centesimal scale
- central bank intervention
- central venous pressure
- century bond
- cephalic index
- ceramic capacitor
- ceramic foam
- ceramic hob
- cereal leaf beetle
- cerebral dominance
- cerebral vascular accident
- ceremah
- ceric oxide
- certificate database
- certificate of occupancy
- certificate of origin
- certificate reader
- certificate revocation list
- certificate walker
- certificated stock
- cervical disk syndrome
- cervical erosion
- cervical spondylosis
- cesium clock
- cess slide
- cesta
- cfm
- cfs
- cg
- cge.
- cgm
- ch'en
- ch. ppd.
- chaconia
- chain break
- chain harrow
- chain of production
- chain pickerel
- chainlink fence
- chair car
- chair class
- chairman of the board
- chalcolithic
- chalta hai
- chambelane
- chamber magistrate
- chamber of trade
- champit tatties
- chance on or upon
- change off
- change ringing
- change round
- change strip
- changement de pieds
- changeover mark
- changeround
- channel deposit
- channel iron
- channel op
- chanson de geste
- character education
- character loan
- character recognition
- charge of quarters
- charge-cap
- charitable deed of covenant
- charitable remainder trust
- charmed circle
- charter flight
- charter party
- chartered life underwriter
- chartered surveyor
- chattel mortgage
- chazerai
- chaîné
- cheapest to deliver
- check dam
- check-by-phone
- check-in kiosk
- checkable deposit
- checkerspot butterfly
- cheese powder
- chef-d'oeuvre
- cheiroplasty
- chelated mineral
- chemical abuse
- chemical weathering
- cheminea
- chemokine receptor
- chenette
- chessylite
- chest harness
- cheval-de-frise
- chg.
- chiapanecas
- chicken louse
- chiclero's ulcer
- chief education officer
- chief electoral officer
- chief master sergeant
- chief medical officer
- chief of naval operations
- chief rabbi
- chief technician
- chief warrant officer
- chief whip
- chiku
- chikungunya fever
- child credit
- child guidance
- child protective services
- child tax benefit
- child tax credit
- child-lifting
- chiles rellenos
- chili bite
- chill factor
- chill-out area
- chill-out zone
- chilled margin
- chillie bite
- china closet
- china officinalis
- china stone
- chip card
- chip heater
- chlamydomonas
- chloride shift
- cho
- chocolate leather
- chocolate phosphate
- chocolate plastic
- choiceboard
- choir loft
- choir stalls
- choke coil
- choke route
- chondr-
- chondri-
- chondroitin sulfate
- chop block
- chop box
- chop die
- chop route
- chopi
- chorale prelude
- chorionic villus
- choroid plexus
- chorus boy
- chosen people
- chouette
- christingle
- chrom-
- chrome alum
- chrome green
- chrome tape
- chrome ulcer
- chromosomal analysis
- chromosome band
- chromosome map
- chron.
- chronic daily headaches
- chronic pain syndrome
- chunkfloater
- chup
- church father
- church mode
- church parade
- chute-the-chute
- chytridiomycote
- cider punk
- cigar-store Indian
- ciku
- cinch belt
- cinnamon bear
- circle graph
- circle wipe
- circle-in
- circuit judge
- circular flow of income
- circular measure
- circular polarization
- circulating decimal
- circumpolar star
- circus catch
- ciré
- cispadane
- citizens band
- citron wood
- city clerk
- city editor
- city room
- civic holiday
- civilian labor force
- ck
- ck.
- cl
- clabbery
- clad-
- claim adjuster
- clam-flat
- clanjamfry
- clapped-out
- claret cup
- class interval