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From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

new design


Have two classes one to query all possible data (good for autocomplete) and one to fetch all data for one language.


  • genders
  • has wiktionaryWikimediaPrefix
  • has noun clasess

it is probably best to define them in Lua rather than js?

class Language
    public boolean HasWiktionary;
    public string[] scripts;
    public string WikimediaPrefix;
    public string[] Genders;
    public boolean HasNounClasses;
    public boolean CanAutoTransliterate; //NEW


class LanguageRepository
    public constructor(boolean isLazyRepository)
    HasWiktionary(langCode); //implementation note: only keep those that have (200 vs 2000?)

New functions needed

  • Search languages by their canonical or alternative names (for autocomplete)

old interface

class LangMetaData{
	//Returns true if a Wiktionary exists for the specified language
	public boolean HasWiktionary(langCode);
	//Returns the domain-name prefix of the Wiktionary for the specified language
	public string GetWiktionaryPrefix (langCode);
	// Calls the callback with a boolean indicating whether the specified language
	// has a Wiktionary with the specified entry. The callback might be called
	// synchronously, or it might be called asynchronously.
	public void HasWiktionaryWithEntry(langCode, title, callback?);
	//Given a language code return a default script code.
	public string GuessScript (langCode);
	// In a given language, would we expect a translation of the title to have the capitalisation
	// of word?
	public boolean ExpectedCase (langCode, title, word);
	//Returns a string of standard gender letters (mfnc) or an empty string
	public string GetGenders = function(lang)

	//Returns a string of standard noun class numbers or an empty string
	public string HasNounClasses = function(lang)

	//Returns true if the specified lang uses optional vowels or diacritics
	public boolean NeedsRawPageName(lang);

	// Computes the raw page name by removing diacritics (for Latin, etc.)
	public ComputeRawPageName(lang, word);
	// Calls [[Module:links]]'s 'remove_diacritics' method on word and rawPageName,
	// and invokes callback with two arguments: (1) the *real* raw page name
	// (superseding even rawPageName), and (2) whether this real raw page name
	// needs to be explicitly specified in the wikitext (i.e., whether the raw page
	// name computed from rawPageName is different from the one that would have been
	// computed from just word).
	public RetrieveRawPageName(lang, word, rawPageName, callback?);

	//Given user input, return a language code. Normalises ISO 639-1 codes and names to 639-3.
	public string CleanLangCode(lang);

	// Get the nesting for a given sub-language
	public GetNested = function (lang)

	public temporalSortKey(langname);

	// For enforcing an ordering on nested languages.
	public NestsBefore (a, b);

	public GetScripts (lang);