User:DCDuring/Ruggiero Superorders
Ruggiero total = 52
[edit]- Amborellanae
- Asteranae
- Austrobaileyanae
- Berberidopsidanae
- Buxanae
- Caryophyllanae
- Ceratophyllanae
- Dillenianae
- Lilianae = Monocotyledones
- Magnolianae
- Myrothamnanae
- Nympaeanae
- Proteanae
- Ranunculanae
- Rosanae
- Santalanae
- Saxifraganae
- Trochodendranae
[edit]- Acariformes
- Parasitiformes
- Eucarida
- Peracarida
- Syncarida
- Gymnoplea - gymnoplea#English - gymnoplea#Latin - Special:WhatLinksHere/Gymnoplea - Gymnoplea@WSp - Gymnoplea@WP - Google Gymnoplea (Books • Groups • Scholar) - Gymnoplea at List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature - Fossilworks
- Podoplea
- Acrothoracica
- Rhizocephala
- Thoracica
- Holometabola
- Neuropterida
- Paraneoptera
- Polyneoptera
- Juliformia
- Nematophora
- Merochaeta
- Monhysterica
- Plectica
- Rhabditica
- Teratocephalica
- Metagynophora
- Heteroconchia
- Pteriomorphia
- Decabrachia
- Octobrachia
- Aplotegmentaria
- Pachytegmentaria
- Galloanseri
- Neoaves
Wiktionary superorders
Acanthopterygii, not in Ruggiero at any rank ✔Acariformes ✔Acrothoracica Afrotheria, not in Ruggiero at any rank ✔Asteranae Atelostomata, not in Ruggiero at any rank
Batoidea, not in Ruggiero at any rank Bryanae, not in Ruggiero at any rank
✔Caenogastropoda, subclass in Ruggiero et al Clupeomorpha, not in Ruggiero at any rank Coleopterida, not in Ruggiero at any rank ✔Columellidia Condylognatha, not in Ruggiero at any rank ✔Crocodylomorpha, subclass in Ruggiero at al Cyclosquamata, not in Ruggiero at any rank
✔Decabrachia Decapodiformes, not in Ruggiero at any rank Diadematacea, not in Ruggiero at any rank Dinosauria, not in Ruggiero at any rank Diplurata, not in Ruggiero at any rank, but see Diplura
Echinacea, not in Ruggiero at any rank Elopomorpha, not in Ruggiero at any rank]] Endopterygota, not in Ruggiero at any rank Euarchontoglires, not in Ruggiero at any rank ✔Eucarida Exopterygota, not in Ruggiero at any rank
✔Galloanseri ✔Gnathostomata, infraphylum in Ruggiero et al
✔Heterobranchia, subclass in Ruggiero et al ✔Holometabola Hymenopterida, not in Ruggiero at any rank
Lampridiomorpha, not in Ruggiero at any rank Laurasiatheria, not in Ruggiero at any rank Lepidosauria, not in Ruggiero at any rank ✔Lucisporidia
✔Neoaves ✔Neognathae, infraclass in Ruggiero et al ✔Neuropterida
Octopodiformes, not in Ruggiero at any rank Orthopterida, not in Ruggiero at any rank Ostariophysi, not in Ruggiero at any rank Osteoglossomorpha, not in Ruggiero at any rank
Palaeognathae, not in Ruggiero at any rank Panorpida, not in Ruggiero at any rank Paracanthopterygii, not in Ruggiero at any rank ✔Parasitiformes ✔Peracarida ✔Podoplea Polymixiomorpha, not in Ruggiero at any rank Polymyxiomorpha, not in Ruggiero at any rank ✔Polyneoptera Protacanthopterygii, not in Ruggiero at any rank ✔Psocodea, order in Ruggiero et al
Rajomorphii, not in Ruggiero at any rank ✔Rhizocephala
Sauropterygia, not in Ruggiero at any rank Scopelomorpha, not in Ruggiero at any rank Selachimorpha, not in Ruggiero at any rank Stenopterygii, not in Ruggiero at any rank ✔Syncarida
Xenarthra, not in Ruggiero at any rank