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User:Chuck Entz/Composites

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Composites (9 c, 96 e) 

  1. composite

For another, overlapping category: Flowers (11 c277 e) 

Anthemideae tribe plants (1 c, 74 e) 

Astereae tribe plants‎ (63 e) 


  1. sneezeweed


  1. Bartlett daisy
  2. canchalagua


  1. Chaenactis
  2. Dimeresia
  3. Orochaenactis
  1. pincushion

Coreopsideae tribe plants (21 e) 


  1. Feddea cubensis


  1. Polymnia
  2. leafcup

Senecioneae tribe plants (47 e) 



Thistles (62 e) 

  1. Oldenburgia
  1. Brachylaena
  2. Tarchonanthus

Cichorieae tribe plants‎ (104 e) 

  1. Eremothamnus
  2. Hoplophyllum
  1. Moquinia
  2. Pseudostifftia
  1. Platycarpha
  2. Platycarphella
  1. Acanthodesmos
  2. Acilepidopsis
  3. Adenoon
  4. Aedesia
  5. Ageratinastrum
  6. Albertinia
  7. Alcantara (Synonym of Heterocoma?)
  8. Allocephalus
  9. Ambassa
  10. Ananthura
  11. Ananthura
  12. Anteremanthus
  13. Ascilepis
  14. Aynia
  15. Baccharoides
  16. Bechium
  17. Blanchetia
  18. Bolanosa
  19. Bothriocline
  20. Brachythrix
  21. Brenandendron
  22. Caatinganthus
  23. Cabobanthus
  24. Camchaya
  25. Centauropsis
  26. Centrapalus
  27. Centratherum
  28. Chaetospira (Synonym for Pseudelephantopus?)
  29. Chresta
  30. Chronopappus
  31. Chrysolaena
  32. Cololobus
  33. Critoniopsis
  34. Cuatrecasanthus
  35. Cyanthillium
  36. Cyrtocymura
  37. Dasyandantha
  38. Dasyanthina
  39. Decaneuropis
  40. Decastylocarpus
  41. Diapractanthus
  42. Dipterocypsela
  43. Distephanus
  44. Echinocoryne
  45. Eirmocephala
  46. Ekmania
  47. Elephantopus
  48. Eremanthus
  49. Erlangea
  50. Ethulia
  51. Gorceixia
  52. Gutenbergia
  53. Gymnanthemum
  54. Harleya
  55. Herderia
  56. Hesperomannia
  57. Heterocoma
  58. Heterocypsela
  59. Hilliardiella
  60. Huberopappus
  61. Hystrichophora
  62. Iodocephalus
  63. Irwinia
  64. Joseanthus
  65. Kinghamia
  66. Koyamasia
  67. Lachnorhiza
  68. Lampropappus
  69. Leiboldia
  70. Lepidaploa
  71. Lepidonia
  72. Lessingianthus
  73. Linzia
  74. Lychnophora
  75. Lychnophoriopsis
  76. Manyonia
  77. Maschalostachys
  78. Mattfeldanthus
  79. Mesanthophora
  80. Minasia
  81. Monosis
  82. Msuata
  83. Muschleria
  84. Myanmaria
  85. Neurolakis
  86. Namibithamnus
  87. Nothovernonia
  88. Okia
  89. Oliganthes
  90. Omphalopappus
  91. Oocephala
  92. Orbivestus
  93. Orthopappus
  94. Pacourina
  95. Paralychnophora
  96. Parapolydora
  97. Paurolepis
  98. Phyllocephalum
  99. Piptocarpha
  100. Piptocoma
  101. Piptolepis
  102. Pleurocarpea
  103. Polydora
  104. Prestelia
  105. Proteopsis
  106. Pseudelephantopus
  107. Pseudopegolettia
  108. Pseudopiptocarpha
  109. Quechualia
  110. Rastrophyllum
  111. Rolandra
  112. Spiracantha
  113. Soaresia
  114. Stenocephalum
  115. Stenocephalum
  116. Stilpnopappus
  117. Stokesia
  118. Stramentopappus
  119. Strobocalyx
  120. Struchium
  121. Tarlmounia
  122. Telmatophila
  123. Trepadonia
  124. Trichospira
  125. Uniyala
  126. Vanillosmopsis
  127. Vernonanthura
  128. Vernonella
  129. Vernonia
  130. Vernoniastrum
  131. Vinicia
  132. Xiphochaeta
  1. Heterolepis
  1. Corymbium
  1. Famatinanthus
  1. Gymnarrhena micrantha
  2. Cavea tanguensis
  1. Hecastocleis shockleyi
  1. African daisy
  2. gerbera
  3. heal and draw
  4. sunbonnet
  1. snakeplant


  1. Actinoseris (Endl.) Cabrera



Raw list


Composites (9 c, 96 e) 

