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Declension of měsíčky (pl-only velar masculine inanimate reducible )
Declension of tři (pl-only numeral )
1 When modifying a form ending in -ma .2 Colloquial.
Declension of dvoje (pl-only numeral )
Declension of čtvery (pl-only numeral )
Declension of tolik (determiner )
Declension of mnoho (determiner )
Declension of zombie (masculine animate in -ie )
Declension of muftí (masculine animate in -í/-ý )
Declension of dvacet jedna (pl-only numeral )
Declension of ty (sg-only animate pronoun )
Declension of týden (masculine inanimate )
Declension of pramáti (feminine in -i )
Declension of máti (sg-only feminine in -i // soft zero-ending feminine irreg-stem )
Declension of rozbor (hard masculine inanimate )
Declension of bratr (hard masculine animate )
Should have optional palatalization in vocative singular
Declension of pulovr (hard masculine inanimate )
Declension of pes (hard masculine animate reducible )
Declension of bůh (velar masculine animate quant-alt )
Declension of sníh (velar masculine inanimate í-ě-alt )
Declension of FOOBAR (hard masculine inanimate )
Declension of koníček (velar masculine animate reducible )
Declension of kramflek (velar masculine inanimate )
Monosyllabic; should default to nom_pl -ové
Declension of syn (hard masculine animate )
Monosyllabic, velar; should default to nom_pl -ové, voc_sg -u, loc_pl -ích with second palatalization
Declension of zběh (velar masculine animate )
Should default to -i plural
Declension of gentleman (hard masculine animate )
Should default to -é plural
Declension of Slovan (hard masculine animate )
Should have loc pl -ech/-ích automatically?? (maybe not)
Declension of hotel (hard masculine inanimate )
Should have -y in nom/ins plural, hece in vocative singular
Declension of hec (hard masculine inanimate )
Should default to -ové plural
Declension of plebej (soft masculine animate )
Should default to -ové plural
Declension of kutil (hard masculine animate )
Should default to -ové plural
Declension of fotograf (hard masculine animate )
Declension of koš (soft masculine inanimate )
Declension of malíř (soft masculine animate )
Declension of muž (soft masculine animate )
Declension of švec (soft masculine animate reducible irreg-stem )
Declension of stařec (soft masculine animate reducible irreg-stem )
Declension of tkadlec (soft masculine animate reducible irreg-stem )
Monosyllabic, soft; should default to nom_pl -ové
Declension of zeť (soft masculine animate )
Should default to -ové plural
Declension of Tomáš (soft masculine animate )
Should default to -i plural and auto-reducible
Declension of Albánec (soft masculine animate reducible )
Should default to -é plural and soft
Declension of buditel (soft masculine animate )
Should default to -ové plural
Declension of přednosta (masculine animate in -a )
Should default to -ové plural and have ins_pl in -i
Declension of Míša (masculine animate in -a )
Should default to -é plural
Declension of husita (masculine animate in -a )
Should default to -é plural
Declension of houslista (masculine animate in -a )
Should default to -é plural
Declension of gymnasta (masculine animate in -a )
Should have loc pl in -ích and ins pl in -i
Declension of paša (masculine animate in -a )
Special declensions [ edit ]
Declension of kotel (mixed masculine inanimate reducible )
kotly , kotle
kotlu , kotle
kotlu , kotli
kotly , kotle
kotle , kotli
kotly , kotle
kotlu , kotle , kotli
kotlech , kotlích
kotly , kotli
Declension of zachránce (masculine animate in -e )
Declension of kivi (masculine animate in -i/-y )
Declension of grizzly (masculine animate in -i/-y )
Declension of husky (masculine animate in -i/-y )
Declension of gray (soft masculine inanimate )
Declension of Nagy (soft masculine animate )
Declension of gay (soft masculine animate )
Declension of centurio (hard masculine animate irreg-stem )
Declension of archón (hard masculine animate irreg-stem )
Declension of komunismus (hard masculine inanimate foreign )
Declension of kosmos (hard masculine inanimate foreign )
Declension of hádes (hard masculine inanimate foreign )
Declension of rádius (semisoft masculine inanimate foreign )
Declension of droby (pl-only hard masculine inanimate )
this declension is weird
Declension of peníze (pl-only soft masculine inanimate í-ě-alt )
Declension of kříže (pl-only soft masculine inanimate )
Declension of tvargle (pl-only mixed masculine inanimate )
Lua error in Module:User:Benwing2/cs-noun at line 2006 : Feminine plural-only lemma 'lidé' should end in -y, -ě, -e or -i
Declension of lidi (pl-only i-stem masculine animate (declined as feminine) )
Declension of Olomoučtí (pl-only hard masculine animate adjectival )
Declension of prachy (pl-only velar masculine inanimate )
Declension of manželé (pl-only hard masculine animate )
Lua error: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
Declension of Velšané (pl-only hard masculine animate )
Declension of Neředínští (pl-only hard masculine animate adjectival )
Declension of údaje (pl-only soft masculine inanimate )
Lua error: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
Should propagate masc an to the right
Declension of anděl strážný (hard masculine animate )
Lua error: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
Declension of Spojené státy americké (pl-only hard masculine inanimate )
Declension of Cookovy ostrovy (pl-only hard masculine inanimate )
Declension of žena (hard feminine )
Lua error: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
Would be reducible but overridden
Declension of bomba (hard feminine )
Should not be reducible because r is vocalic
Declension of vrba (hard feminine )
Should not be reducible (C + ch not reducible, C + h reducible)
Declension of valcha (hard feminine )
Reducible or non-reducible
Lua error: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
Vowel alternation
Declension of míra (hard feminine í-ě-alt )
Reducible but with -e- in unexpected place; override gen_pl
Lua error: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
Declension of přítelkyň (soft zero-ending feminine )
Special stem
Declension of čest (i-stem feminine irreg-stem )
Special declensions [ edit ]
Declension of idea (feminine in -ea )
Declension of diarea (technical feminine in -ea )
Declension of Korea (sg-only feminine in -ea )
Declension of paranoia (feminine in -ia )
Declension of Samoa (feminine in -oa/-ua )
Declension of kongrua (feminine in -oa/-ua )
Declension of kalhoty (pl-only hard feminine )
Lua error: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
Declension of kvasnice (pl-only soft feminine )
Declension of úbytě (pl-only soft feminine )
Declension of Pyreneje (pl-only soft feminine )
Declension of pečárkotvaré (pl-only hard feminine adjectival )
Declension of kule (pl-only soft feminine )
Declension of dveře (pl-only soft feminine )
Declension of genitálie (pl-only soft feminine )
Declension of autonomní nervová soustava (hard feminine )
Declension of horní cesty dýchací (pl-only hard feminine )
Declension of německé karty (pl-only hard feminine )
Declension of krokodýlí slzy (pl-only hard feminine )
Declension of plná moc (mixed i-stem [type 'moc'] feminine )
Declension of město (hard neuter )
Should have -i in ins_pl
Declension of banjo (hard neuter )
Lua error: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
Should automatically be mixed-reducible gen pl středisek or středisk; loc_pl should automatically be -ích and -ách
Lua error in Module:User:Benwing2/cs-noun at line 2516 : attempt to call field 'shallowcopy' (a nil value)
Lua error: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
Lua error: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
'nstem' indicator not recognized
Declension of břemeno (n-stem neuter )
Declension of břímě (n-stem neuter irreg-stem )
Declension of moře (soft neuter )
Declension of letiště (soft neuter )
Declension of kutě (soft neuter )
Should not have -ně
Declension of poledne (soft neuter )
Should not have -fě
Declension of kafe (soft neuter )
Should not have -bě
Declension of Labe (sg-only soft neuter )
Declension of pukrle (soft neuter // t-stem neuter )
pukrle , pukrlata
pukrle , pukrlete
pukrlí , pukrlat
pukrli , pukrleti
pukrlím , pukrlatům
pukrle , pukrlata
pukrle , pukrlata
pukrli , pukrleti
pukrlích , pukrlatech
pukrlem , pukrletem
pukrli , pukrlaty
Declension of vejce (soft neuter )
Declension of štěně (t-stem neuter )
Declension of štěně (t-stem neuter )
Declension of hříbě (t-stem neuter )
Declension of děvče (t-stem neuter )
Declension of dítě (t-stem neuter // i-stem feminine )
Declension of saranče (t-stem neuter // soft feminine )
sarančata , saranče
sarančete , saranče
sarančat , sarančí
sarančeti , saranči
sarančatům , sarančím
saranče , saranči
sarančata , saranče
sarančata , saranče
sarančeti , saranči
sarančatech , sarančích
sarančetem , sarančí
sarančaty , sarančemi
Declension of saranče (t-stem neuter // soft feminine )
sarančata , saranče
sarančete , saranče
sarančat , sarančí
sarančeti , saranči
sarančatům , sarančím
saranče , saranči
sarančata , saranče
sarančata , saranče
sarančeti , saranči
sarančatech , sarančích
sarančetem , sarančí
sarančaty , sarančemi
Special declensions [ edit ]
Declension of drama (ma-stem neuter )
Declension of rádio (semisoft neuter )
Declension of enklitikon (velar neuter foreign )
Declension of museum (semisoft neuter foreign )
Lua error: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)